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Depends on the nature of the crime- crimes such as murder, rape, assault, weapons or drug smuggling will definitely prevent you from getting a visa. Crimes such as speeding, parking tickets, etc... will usually not prevent you from getting a visa.

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Q: Can a person from another country enter the US with a criminal background?
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Related questions

Who would hire a person with a criminal background?

People who didn't know that the person HAd a crimanl background

What would a criminal have done to be a criminal?

What constitutes a crime varies from country to country, so the answer can only be very general. Most people considered criminals have done something to hurt another person, taken something that belongs to another person, or violated another person's rights or property.

Are criminal background checks the same as finger print background checks?

No, criminal background checks and fingerprint background checks are not the same. Criminal background checks use a person's name and personal information to search for criminal records, while fingerprint background checks involve comparing a person's fingerprints against law enforcement databases to check for criminal history. Fingerprint background checks are considered more accurate and comprehensive.

Does criminal background check include parents history?

No, a criminal background check typically only includes information about an individual's own criminal history. Information about a person's parents' criminal history is not usually included in a standard criminal background check.

Can a person with a non-violent felony conviction rent with someone with no criminal background?


What identifies why a criminal history is queried?

A criminal history is typically queried to assess an individual's background for criminal activities or to determine their eligibility for certain roles or privileges. This background check helps to verify if the person has a criminal record that may pose a risk to the organization or the community.

What do employers look for when they do a background check?

One thing they look for is to see if a person has a criminal record.

How can you find out if someone has run a criminal background check on you?

You can request a copy of your own criminal background check from a reputable background check company or contact the police department in the jurisdiction where the check may have been conducted. Some background check companies also offer notification services that alert individuals if their background has been requested. Alternatively, you can ask the person directly if they have conducted a criminal background check on you.

Is an arrest on a criminal background check?

Depends. Criminal searches are different from an actual arrest search.

How is it possible to perform a criminal background check?

You can perform a criminal background check by hiring a professional background check service or using online databases. You will typically need the person's consent and personal information like their full name, date of birth, and social security number. The check will provide information on any past criminal convictions, arrests, or pending charges.

Do theft infractions show up on background check?

Yes, theft infractions can show up on a background check if they have been reported to law enforcement and resulted in a criminal record. Background checks typically include information about a person's criminal history, including theft offenses.

Is a person not giving a reasonable assistance to another a criminal?
