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The negative in "O Negative" means that it's Rh negative, meaning that anyone, either positive or negative can receive that Rh type. O negative blood can be given to anyone. It's the Universal Donor.

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Q: Can a person with o neg blood give blood to a rh neg person?
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Related questions

What can happen if an RH- person receives RH plus blood?

They could potentially develop an antibody.

Is there a difference between Rh neg blood group and a B neg blood group?

RH- and RH+ are not blood types, they are factors.

What happen if you give RH- person RH plus blood if they have already been exposed to RH plus blood?

it will cause hypersensitization in RH- person

Why can a person with rh- blood not receive rh plus blood?

The person with Rh- blood will begin to make antibodies against Rh+ upon exposure. This may not occur with the first transfusion - but it is still not recommended to give an Rh- person Rh+ blood.

Can a A positive blood type mother give birth to Rh negative daughter?

Can a child with RH neg blood come from parents that are A positive and A negative

What blood types and rh facors produce o neg?

a or ab neg and o pos

What is the blood group personality of bill gates?

i would guess Rh neg.

Why can Rh negatives donate to Rh positives and Rh negatives but no receive from Rh negatives?

You got that wrong mate, Rh neg can infact receive from Rh neg. Rh neg has got antibodies against Rh D. Since the erytrocytes of the donor hasnt got the rhesus D on its cells, there is no problem. If the Rh negative gets blood from a Rh positive however, the antibodies react with the D antigen on the cells from the donor and a dangerous reaction occurs.

Can a person who has AB blood accept blood from any blood type?

No. An AB neg can receive blood from any blood group with a negative Rh (A neg, B neg, AB neg, O neg).

Can a o neg and a a neg make a baby?

Of course! Depending on the genotypes of the parents, the child could be an A or O blood type. And because both parents are Rh negative, the baby can only be Rh negative. To sum it up, the baby may be either A neg or O neg.

Can ab neg receive o positive blood?

Yes, people with AB positive blood can receive O positive blood. In fact, AB+ can receive *any* blood, A, B, O, or AB, positive or negative. It is the other blood types that have restrictions.

Can an A rh neg and B blood group produce an A rh Positive child?

Yes. If the A rh neg parent has genotype A/A or A/O and rh-/- and the B parent has genotype B/O and rh+/- or +/+ The first parent gives their A to the child and the second partner gives a rh+ (but not their B, and this is why they cannot be B/B) to the child. The child ends up with genotype A/O rh+/-, which would be expressed as blood group A rhesus +.