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The basic answer is yes. Since 9/11 and the new laws a police officer or Govt. Agency can hold you for 24hrs. without charging you. If you feel they did this just out of spite with no apologies from the the detaining officer then you have to get a lawyer and file a claim with the F.B.I. make it a Federal Case and have them investigated for Racial Profiling during a traffic stop. Yes they do keep statistics on these types of incidents. On a more local level if it is a city police officer, start at the top, report it to the mayors office first because the Chief of Police answers to the mayor and City Council. Then report it to the chief of Police, then report it to Internal Affairs if they have one. If it is a County Sheriffs officer report it to the County Sheriffs office and internal affairs. County Sheriffs are normally elected officials so they have an Internal Affairs Office which is a permanent position that stays no matter who the county sheriff is.

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A police officer can detain you on the side of the road for a reasonable amount of time to conduct an investigation. However, detaining you for 2 hours without a valid reason or probable cause could potentially be considered unreasonable and violate your rights.

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