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Q: Can a pregnant 16yr old girl in fostercare get married in Florida?
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Can a 16yr old marry a 26yr old in GA without parental consent if the 16yr old is pregnant?

No. A few years it was possible, but GA has since changed the law (and frankly, I think they should have changed it long before they did). Now minors must have parental consent in order to marry, even if they're pregnant.

Can a 16yr pregnant teen move in with boyfriend if parents give permission?

Yes she can since she has their permission. Or if she has obtained an order of emancipation from the court. Just being pregnant does not change the requirements to move out.

Is it illegal or leagal for a 16yr old from Massachusetts to move in with a 24 yr old in Florida?

Until you are of legal age, no, except with parents consent.

Can a 16yr old live with her 36yr old boyfriend when shes pregnant?

If her parents give her permission to. Otherwise, she lives where the parents say she lives.

In the state of Ohio can a pregnant 16yr old move out of her parents house?

Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor. You are still subject to the rules and control of your parents until you turn 18.

Can a 16yr old female get married to a 14yr old boy?

I sure hope not, but I think if all four parents are cool with it then this might occur.

Can a 25yr old and 16yr old get married in Alabama with parent consent?

With their parent's permission. Otherwise they will have to wait until they are both 18 or older.

If a 16yr. old gets pregnant by a 18yr. old boy are there any punishments?

It depends on the location. In my state, the 18 year old could be charged with sex with a minor.

A 19yr gets a 16yr pregnant. Can he get in trouble?

In some states, this would qualify as statutory rape. In other states, this may not be a legal issue. Check your state's statutes for age of consent laws.

What state can a pregnant 16yr old get married to her 17 yr old boyfriend without the 16 year olds parental consent?

If you're in the US, the only thing that matters is if it's allowed in the state where you are a legal resident, because even if it were allowed in another state, you couldn't travel there and get it done (they wouldn't marry you). Check the laws of your state.

Is it common for a 16 year old to miss her period?

If the 16yr old was regular and then missed one randomly - she could be pregnant. If she has only just started, it is common for periods to be missed, late, early etc.

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