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No. Once a felony warrant is issued, it has no expiration date. If, for instance, a person violated a felony probation and subsequently fled the immediate jurisdiction until after the original term of the probation, the warrant would still be active and enforceable. Even if the subject(person) of the warrant contested the facts which prompted the warrant being issued, that person would still have to surrender into custody to fight the basis of the warrant. Hiring an attorney to contest the warrant from a distance will also not work, as attorneys are Officers of The Court and obligated to not harbor or assist in concealing a "wanted" person under warrant. In criminal law, the State always preserves the right to impose the maximum sentence up to and until the last say of probation has been served with all conditions being met during that period. It never just "goes away".

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only by serving jail time...sorry.

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Q: Does a felony warrant for a violation of probation ever go away?
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What if your a juvenile and run away from probation and make it till your 18 can you get a job in another state that's not the one you were on probation in?

There would probably still be a warrant for your arrest on the violation of probation.

Does a probation violation for drug paraphernalia ever go away after time?

This depends on what you mean by go away. If you were arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia while on probation this will always be on your arrest record. If you are referring to being on probation for drug paraphernalia and a probation violation warrant is active then no it will not go away. It is possible to get a lawyer to enter on the case and maybe get Court date without having to be arrested.

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Probation is a sentence for having been found guilty. If you have failed to complete your sentence it means that you haven't served your entire time and if you are evading your PO or the police you have absconded and are a fugitive. If you have a warrant out for you for probation violation, it means that you it won't go away.

You have an outstanding warrant from Texas issued on moved to Alaska and violated your probation.Will the warrant go away or what do you need to do?

Probation IS a sentence after being found guilty of an offense. A lenient sentence perhaps, but a sentence nonetheless. Violation of the terms of your sentence (probation) could send you to prison/jail to serve the unexpired portion of your sentence behind bars.

What is the statute of limitations on a parole violation warrant in Indiana?

There is none. The warrant will not go away until it is served (person arrested).

Can you still use archery equipment while on felony probation?

That depends on state law, doesn't it? In Georgia it's not a "crime" for a person on probation to have archery equipment, but it MIGHT BE a violation of the terms and conditions of their probation. Just like an adult over 21 drinking beer or hanging around a bar-- it's not illegal, but it probably is a violation of probation that can get the person in trouble with the probation officer and the judge that imposed the probation as part of the sentence. If you're on probation and a term of your probation is "no weapons" then I'd say to stay away from bows and arrows too. They are probably considered weapons even if you only intend to use them for the sport of target practice.

Will boyfriend go to prison for a d felony probation violation subject did not get violated yet subject went to rehab and a counselor is going to call probation. What will happen?

This is a question for the guys assigned Probation Officer. Have him call that officer right away as time is of the utmost importance right now. You have one business day to report it to your PO if you get charged with a new crime or you can get in a lot more trouble.

Can your probation officer lift a violation of probation warrant on you without you having to go to jail?

YES!!!!. I cannot stress this enough. Its is ALL up to the P.O. and somewhat of your parents. ADDED: PO's do have a lot of power, but it can depend on WHAT the violation was that caused the VOP. If it was simply a "technical" violation of your restrictions (e.g.- missed a meeting - travelled out of state - etc) the PO should be capable of handling that. However, if the VOP was caused by your committing another offense, your PO can not make that "go away." Why don't you simply ask your PO?

Can you resolve a felony fugitive warrant from the state of Oregon if you live in Texas?

If you are wanted on a felony warrant by Oregon, AND Oregon REALLY wants you, they will have Texas arrest you on an interstate warrant and have you extradited back to OR.Best advice: You, or your attorney, contact OR and offer to get it squared away. Believe me, these things NEVER go away - especially a felony - and if you believe in Murphy's Law, it these things have a habit of suddenly jumping up and biting you and get you into a world of trouble, right when you least expect it.

What happens if you are late on child support and are on felony probation?

im pretty sure ur child gets taken away

What should you do if you have a warrant for probation violation in Florida?

The best thing to do would be to just turn yourself in. One thing is for sure - it won't go away - and these things have a way of turning up at the least handy time and biting you.

What happens if you get a probation violation for domestic menacing in Oregon?

Simple. Just follow ALL the rules set forth in your probation documents and you will do just fine. JUST REMEMBER: Because you got probation does NOT mean you 'got away with it.' Probation is a sentence for being found GUILTY.