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Any stars less massive than our sun do not explode in a supernova. They will slowly cool down and burn out forming an "ember" (a.k.a. white dwarf).

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Q: Can a star less massive then the sun become a supernova?
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What does a massive supernova become?

If enough mass is left over after the supernova explosion, i.e. after material is blown off into space, the star will become a black hole. Less massive stars will become neutron stars. A neutron star can convert to a black hole later, if enough matter falls into it.

What is the definition for supernova in science?

Nova (plural novae) means "new" in Latin, The prefix "super-" distinguishes supernova from ordinary nova.

Where does a supernova fit into a star's lifecycle?

A supernova occurs at the end of a massive star's life cycle.

What is a dense collapsed core with a very strong gravitional pull that forms when a very massive star become a supernova?

Neutron Star

Is a red dwarf star made from a supernova?

No. A Red Dwarf is a very low mass star - less than our Sun. Only massive stars > 20 Suns will result in a supernova [See Related]

What is a supernova and what happens?

A supernova is the catastrophic death of a star, characterized by a massive output of energy.

Is a supernova a type of galaxy?

No. A supernova is a massive explosion, usually from a dying supermassive star.

Is your sun a supernova or a white dwarf?

The sun is neither a supernova nor a white dwarf. The sun is a main sequence star. A supernova is not a kind of star: it is the explosion of a massive star.

What is the differences between super nova and neutron star?

A supernova is when a massive star explodes. A neutron star is what can be formed after a supernova explosion. See related questions

A supernova reaction occurs in the life cycle of which type of star?

A massive star. Usually any star with more that 9 solar masses will explode as a supernova.

What causes a planet to become a star?

A planet cannot become a star. A star is an object that is massive enough to release energy via nuclear fusion. A planet is much less massive.

The explosion of a very massive star is called what?

well what you gotta do is go home a smoke weed