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no....and i just want to say god bless you to everyone that has this assignment and puts the answers on Google. you are my best friends and this is the only way i can get away with doing homework at 12am. thanks people of

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Q: Can a state impose an import tax tax on goods entering from another state?
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To bring goods from another country for sale or use

What are two trade barriers that a nation with a protectionist trade policy might build against another country?

impose taffrifs on goods being imported and limiting import quotas to promote fair competition with domestic traders

Goods sent into America from another country are?

Probably import. It doesnt have to be Just be America though. When a country recieves goods from another country, it's called import. Export is the opposite. When YOU are sending goods it's called export. Hope this helps.

What is a limit on trade with another country?

limiting the import on goods from those countries.

What is importing goods?

Imported goods are things which are 'imported' from other places. Import - bringing something from one country to another.

What does it mean import?

the transport of goods from another country normally to be sold in the country they arrive in

What goods are imported and what goods are exported?

Every country imports and exports different goods so it is not possible to answer, however an import is a good that comes to the country from another country and exports are a country selling goods to another country.

What was the practice used by colonists to hurt British trade by refusing to import British goods or export American goods to Britain?

A practice that was used by the colonists to hurt British trade was the refusal of British goods that were imported and the export of American goods to Britain. This was in response to the taxation on goods that the British were trying to impose on the colonies.

What countries import goods to Greece?

None. Some countries export goods to Greece and others import goods from Greece.

What do you understand the term import to mean?

Import means to bring anything into something else. Goods into the country are called imports. Information into a computer hard drive is called an import. Data from a file into another file is called an import.

What does Germany import to Canada?

okay guys they import tobaco and cigars and tools====================================NOTE:A country exports goods to another country, and imports goods from another country.It does not import ... to, or export ... from. The prefix "ex" signifies "out of" or "away from"