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In the Northeastern part of Washington state we have several varieties of stink bug...but the most prolific is the one that smells sweet like gum or fruit and I have been unable to locate a name for it....actually the smell is exactly like the original Gain laundry detergent....has no one ever heard of this type?

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Why can't I smell a stink bug?

you can only smell a stink bug if you squish it.

How bad do stink bugs smell?

Some people can't smell stink bug odor, while others can smell a stink bug's odor from quite a distance. It really depends on your sensitivity to scents.

Do millipedes smell sweet?

no they stink

Why do some people smell stink bugs and others don't?

10% of the population can't smell stink bug.

What is the phrase 'stink bug' when translated from English to Indonesian?

Stink bug (a type of bug that has a really bad smell) in Indonesian is called 'Walang sangit'.

If you crush a stinkbug will the smell attracted other stinkbugs?

no crushing a stink bug will not atract other stink bugs but the smell is hard to get rid of

What bug chases attackers away with terrible smell?

Stink bugs chase away attackers with a horrific smell. Stink bugs are not dangerous to humans, they just have a bad smell.

Will a stink bug stink if you pick it up?

Yes because the bug has a kind of skin that makes the bug smell so bad. So that the bird or anyhting else that is going to eat it. not eat it!

Does coriander smell like stink bug?

I don't think so. About 10 minutes ago I was handling a stink bug nymph in the garden, and it released some of its 'smelly' liquid onto my hand. The problem being that I can't smell a thing! I've read that the smell of the bug is similar to liquid sewage. Anyway, I certainly didn't smell corriander!

What insect has the strongest chemical smell?

The insect with the strongest smell is the stink bug. If the stink bug feels threatened it will emit a rotten smell to ward off potential enemies.

What bug similar to a stink bug but no smell?

probaly a June bug, but an even closer relitive would be one of the many kinds of darkling beetles.

What happens if you kill a stink bug?

well if you step on it, it will smell totally bad, it's best to use a bug sprayer for the farmers.