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Sepsis could lead to this, but you would have more of a chance of death by falling out of bed then surviving this it was this bad....

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Q: Can a stomach liver kidney pancreas small and large intestine all need transplanted in the same time?
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5 organs that can be transplanted?

kidney, liver, heart, eyes, lungs, pancreas, intestine, and thymus

What organs can be transplanted?

All organs have been successfully transplanted except the brain.

What organs are located in the the upper quadrant?

Liver, spleen, left kidney, stomach, colon, pancreas, large intestine

5 organs that can be successfully transplanted?

Heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, pancreas, corneas, and small intestine are all commonly transplanted. Almost everything can be transplanted, it's whether the transplant is "successful" that's the problem. Brains are never successfully transplanted. Faces are only just successful. Limbs can be but usually are not, since they are not essential for life. It is whether the organ is essential for life that dictates whether it is commonly transplanted or not.

What is the percentage of pancreas transplants that are successful?

Pancreas transplants are often done with a kidney transplant, this is called an SPK (Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney) transplant and generally yields higher success than when the pancreas is transplanted alone. Nationally, the one-year success rate of combined pancreas/kidney transplants is 76 percent, but only about 50 percent of the pancreases transplanted without a kidney are still functioning after one year.

Organs that help digest protein?

There is your mouth , and saliva, that helps break down the food into smaller particles, there is the stomach that breaks it down even farther and absorbs the nutrients, and there is the large intestine, that gets rid of whatever your body does not need.

What is the complete list of human organs in the body?

Brain, eye, thyroid, heart, lungs, stomach, esophagus, appendix, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, kidney, bladder, spleen, and depending on the sex either ovary and uterus, or testes and prostate gland.

What organs are found in the fetal pig's abdominal cavity?

stomach, liver, large intestine, small intestine, kidneys, bladder

What is the link between the kidney and the large intestine?

How am I supposed to answer this question? Well I'll answer it anyway. The stomach or small intestine or pancreas or whatever produces bile is the link between the kidney and the large intestine. Now you happy? No? Good. Just in case you want to know the real answer, go ask someone your AGE. If you are in school, ASK YOUR TEACHER....

Which organ excretes the undigested matter of the body?

kidneys (h2o excreted 1 lt) lungs ( h2o excreted 0.35 lt) skin (h2o excreted 0.5 lt)

Can you become a cop if you have a heart defect?

kidney, lungs, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

What organs are found in the upper quadrant of the abdominal region?

The following organs are located in the Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) of the abdomen:LiverGallbladderDuodenumHead of PancreasRight Adrenal GlandUpper lobe of Right KidneyHepatic flexure of ColonSection of ascending ColonSection of transverse Colon