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I would suggest that you speak with you doctor about obtaining BC. Many doctors will allow minor patients to be prescribed BC without parental consent. However, many doctors including myself, feel that having the support and consent of your parents is very important. If you are unable to get BC without your parents, and you feel that it would not be advantageous for you to tell them, I would suggest the use of other Birth Control methods. Take care.

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16y ago

The answer depends upon in which state the child is a resident. Some states provide that the school nurse or a local planned parenthood, pro-choice, or abortion clinic can give contraception information and supplies to children. Other states require that the person be of a certain age, 12 or 14 or 16 or even 18. Some states require parental consent for any assistance given which pertains to birth control (pregnancy prevention). It is a good idea to Google for "Contraception State Laws" and look at the state laws. Generally, most states do not permit children to receive any kind of non-parental consent medical treatment or assistance including contraception. The definition of who is a "child" varies from state to state, depending upon the Age of Minority and Age of Majority (legal terms for "when a person becomes an adult".

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9y ago

Yes, teens in California have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.

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9y ago

Yes, minors in New York have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent. The state has a special program to cover the costs of this care as well. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.

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Q: Can a teen get birth control without parental consent in New York?
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Can a minor get birth control without parental consent?

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Birth control is available in all 50 states without parental consents.

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Why not have the boy buy the condoms right over the counter at store. * Yes

Can a teenager get birth control without parental consent in Alaska?

Yes, teens in Alaska have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.

Can a teenager get birth control without parental consent in Tennessee?

Yes, minors in Tennessee have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.

How can you get birth control without parent consent in Phoenix or near Phoenix?

I'm not positive how much this varies in different municipalities, however, planned parenthood programs are permitted to give birth control without parental consent. Try this link

Do you need parental consent to get birth control in Serbia?

no you do not because it is like every state in the world

Can a teenager in Montana get birth control without a parent?

Yes, minors in Montana have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent; however, the physician may choose to notify the teen's parents. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.

Can a teenager get birth control without parental consent in Oregon?

Yes, minors in Oregon have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent; however, the physician may choose to notify the teen's parents. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.

Do you need parental consent to buy birth control?

Depends if you want your parents to know your on it or not, but If you want to be discrete then you can go to a local Planned Parenthood or Clinic and ask for birth control they give you a special green card that gives you the benefits to get birth control without paying for it and they wont tell your parents.

Can a teenager in Washington DC get birth control without parental consent?

Yes, minors in Washington, DC have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.