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yes, she has sole custody

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Q: Can a teen mother legally sign for their own child in Virginia?
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Can the mother of your child legally sign the child's rights over to the child's grandparents when im not an unfit father?

She can terminate her parental rights, not yours.

Can you put a girl down on the birth certificate for the father?

The mother is the legal guardian from birth and can give the child any name she wants but she can not sign for the father on the birth certificate. He have to sign it and if she was below age of consent when the child was conceived he can go to prison for statutory rape.

Can teen mothers legally sign for their children in Virginia?


You have custody of your 16 yr old but you still pay her mother child support her mother wont sign her over legally what can you do?

File a motion to modify custody. see links

Can a underage father sign his paternity rights away to the husband of the mother of his child and what are the conditions necessary to make it legally binding?

The context is California law

In Pennsylvania if you sign over your parental rights to the child's mother do you still have to pay child support when the baby is born?

You might. There are two different concepts going on here. One is parental rights; you can sign those away because they're yours. The other is the child's rights. You can't sign those away because they're not yours, and the child can't sign them away because as a minor he or she is legally incompetent. One of the child's rights is the right to support. If the child's mother is supporting the child fine on her own, she's not legally obligated to seek support from you, so you might not ever have to pay support. If the child's mother's situation changes so that she's no longer able to support the child on her own, you might wind up having to pay child support. If she's on any form of government assistance, the government may insist upon it.

What about adultry an a child is born cause of it?

What exactly are you asking? If the mother is married the husband is automatically the father legally unless the biological father sign the birth certificate or prove paternity in court.

Can a father sign all his rights over to the mother of the child?

If the father is considered legally to be psychologically incapable (or impaired) to be a fit parent via evidence presented by a forensic psychiatrist in a criminal case, usu. held at either the district or state-level judicial court; then, yes, the father is must sign all legal rights to the child's mother.

If you sign a Prenuptial agreement do you have to pay your husband child support order?

If you sign a prenuptial agreement then you are legally bound by that agreement. What did you agree to?

What are the laws of signing over your rights to a child in VA?

Legally ii is extremely difficult to legally abandon your responsibilities to your own child. Insufficient information is disclosed. Sign over your rights to WHO, WHY, and for WHAT reason?

Can the mother sign forms to not get child support?

Yes they can and so can the father

Can a child's mother sign over the fathers rights in missiouri?

No, she can only sign over her own rights.