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Normally you would have a rental agreement or lease which would specify your options for sub-leasing. If no such agreement exists, you are free to do as you wish.

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Q: Can a tenant renting a home rent out a room without notifying landlord?
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Is it illegal to change the locks of a rental property without notifying the tenant?

I can only answer for Massachusetts, but I think you can. The landlord has a right of entry, but he should get the permission of tenant, and the tenant has a right to be there at the time. If the landlord needs to get in during an emergency, perhaps he should be calling the police.

Can a landlord evict someone living on their property when they haven't signed a lease?

I am presuming we have three components here: a landlord, a tenant, and a subtenant. The landlord in this case is presumably renting to a tenant, while the tenant is presumably renting to a subtenant. I presume that tenant has a lease while the subtenant doesn't. The tenant becomes the landlord for the subtenant. Since there is no lease (in most states subletting does not involve a lease) in this case, the tenant who is the subtenant landlord can evict the subtenant. While the main landlord can evict the tenant -which automatically evicts the subtenant -only the tenant can evict the subtenant. But the main landlord can evict all by evicting the tenant.

Can a landlord charge you rent at the same time he charges another tenant for the same dwelling?

Yes: as long a you are a tenant in a dwelling at the hands of a landlord, you are renting from him and must pay rent.

What is the name of the person renting out a place?

A person renting out a place may be the owner, an agent, a landlady, a landlord, or a tenant subletting space.

Does landlord have to redesign a driveway so a tenant can get access to garage with sports car?

Certainly not. This is not a habitability issue, and the tenant knew what he was renting.

Do you have to pay rent when the landlord didn't tell the mortgage company he was renting?

Yes. The relationship between the landlord and bank has nothing to do with the tenant.

How would you write a renting contract?

Create an agreement between you, the Landlord, and the tenant. Specify your rules for renting him the property (the rules may not be unconscionable, such as to violate the laws or to allow the Landlord into the home without notice), and the consequences of violating the terms of the lease. Seek legal advice if necessary.

Is the lessor the landlord or the tenant?

Tenant and lessee are the same thing, they are a person who rents property from a lessor who own property that he wants to lease.

Is a residential tenant required to provide a key to landlord?

If the landlord provided a key to the tenant, then the tenant must provide a key to the landlord. In fact, under most state laws the tenant may not change a lock without the landlord's permission and a duplicate key provided to the landlord.

Is it legal for tenant in pa to change locks without permission or notification tenant will not return call home needs repairs and tenant is going to sue just found out about repairs last week?

You can countersue for eviction and keep the security deposit if the tenant has not followed proper procedures for notifying you, the landlord, of repairs that are needed. Generally locks may not be changed by the landlord or tenant without the other's permission and the reconciliation of the keys to the new lock. But this must be so stated on the lease in order for it to be enforced.

Can a landlord remove your items from a room your renting without a court order?

I dont believe they can. Even though it is the landlords property, when it is rented out to a tenant then it does not mean they are able to come in and out as pleased. You have right when you are a tenant. I know that they need to have a notice requirement to enter.

What are renter's rights?

The rules vary from state to state, but are all basically the same: generally, a tenant has the right to a peaceful, quiet enjoyment of the property they are renting, without fear of victimization or harassment by either the landlord or other individuals. Furthermore, the tenant has the right to the possession of the rental property as long as the terms of the lease, including payment frequency, are abided by, and may not be removed from their home except by legal means.