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Yes. Pain in the back can affect a leg muscle.

This is named 'referred pain'.

It is wise to see a medical doctor when pain such as this lasts more than a 24 hours.

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Q: Can a trapped nerve in the back affect a leg muscle is this possible?
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The short answer is "concentrated lactic acid." Concentrated lactic acid can get trapped in the spindle in the muscle fiber and can not get out. When this lactic acid gets trapped in the muscle spindle the feedback nerves that are protected in the muscle spindle can only send a weak signal to the cerebellum. A weak signal from the feedback nerve to the cerebellum tells the cerebellum to contract a muscle. The feedback nerve is trying to send a strong signal which would tell the cerebellum to relax but because the concentrated lactic acid is trapped in the spindle and interfering with the feedback nerve the correct signal can not get to the brain. As a result the muscle keeps contracting and it never relaxes. The muscles gets stuck in this "bad signal loop" which causes many other problems in the body.

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motor nueronsNerve tissue carries electrical signals that affect muscle tissue. Nerve tissue's function is to move and coordinate the way the body functions.

Do you have a trapped nerve?

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its most likely a trapped nerve. i get this every now and again too and im pretty sure i dont have worms.

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