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Use a large muscle and nerve that it innervates.

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6mo ago

To study the physiology of nerve fibers, you would need to isolate a specific muscle and the nerve innervating that muscle. This allows for the investigation of the interaction between the nerve and muscle, observing the transmission of signals and studying the response of the muscle to nerve stimulation. Commonly studied muscles and nerves in this context include the gastrocnemius muscle and the sciatic nerve in animal models.

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Q: What muscle and nerve will you need to isolate to study the physiology of nerve fibers?
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A nerve can stimulate impulses to several muscle fibers. When muscle fibers are grouped they form a single muscle group like the biceps.

Muscle fibers contract and relax in response to what?

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This will depend upon the number of muscle fibers the nerve innervates. However, all fibers innervated by the nerve should contract in response to the neuronal impulse.

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The motor nerve fibers help stimulate the Erector pili muscle. 1E19C8CC-7D89-BDE4-BA84-6679CBF217D2 1.02.28

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The psoas nerve is the nerve that innervates the psoas major muscle. It is formed by fibers of spinal nerves L2-L4.

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assignment sa physiology ceu? XD

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The area where muscle and nerve fibers intersect is called the neuromuscular junction. This junction is functions as the site of communication that connects the nervous and muscular system.

What usually triggers muscle fibers to contract or relax?

The contraction is triggered by the release of calcium within the muscle which is triggered by an electrical signal from a nerve.

What is the function of nerve fiber?

The motor nerve fibers help stimulate the Erector pili muscle. 1E19C8CC-7D89-BDE4-BA84-6679CBF217D2 1.02.28

What is the clinical importance of cremestric muscle reflex?

Well you can asses the function of ilioingunial nerve and genitofemoral nerve. Cremasteric relfex can be demonstarted by lightly touching the skin of the upper medial thigh, resulting in a slight elevation of the testis. The sensory fibers of the reflex are carried by the L1 fibers of the Ilioinguinal nerve and the motor response is a functional of the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve that innervates the cremastric muscle.