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neuromuscular junction

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neuro muscular junction

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Q: The point of contact between the nerve and the muscle fibers it stimulates is called a?
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Network that stimulates the myocardium into contraction?

His bundle? or the Purkinje fibers?

A single neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates comprise a?

This is called a motor unit.

Define motor unit?

a motor neuron together with the muscle fibers (cell) it stimulates.

What motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates called?

the motor unit

How would a drug that stimulates acetylcholine receptors affect the sympathetic nervous system?

Preganglionic fibers for the SNS release ACh; so a drug that stimulates ACh receptors would stimulate the postganglionic fibers of sypathetic nerves, resulting in increased sympathetic activity

Which part of the intrinsic conduction system sends fibers along the lateral walls of the ventricles towards the base and stimulates the papillary muscles?

Purkinje fibers

What consists of a somatic motor neuron plus all the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates?

motor unit

What are long fibers called?

Muscle cells are called fibers.

What stimulates the adrenal medulla to secrete its excitatory hormones?

preganglionic sympathetic fibers releasing acetylcholine that bind to receptors on the adrenal medulla

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When was Dancing Between the Fibers of Time created?

Dancing Between the Fibers of Time was created in 2007.

What are the Fibers of the conduction system of the heart?

Fibers of the conduction system of the heart is called Purkinje fibers