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yes it can you just have to run on it 3 hours total out the whole week! in 2 weeks if you keep it up it will start to turn into a 4 pack in 2 other weeks it will be a 6 pack

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Q: Can a tredmill give you a 6 pack?
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What is the size of a tredmill?

The running surface of a tredmill is on average 20 X 60 inches.

How can you get 6 pack abs?

There are a lot of abs exercise that give you a six pack. One good excerise is the bicycle situps.

Who invented the tredmill?

oompa loompa's

Is there a pill that can give you a 6 pack quick even for kids?

It's called the gym.

What age do you have to be to go on an tredmill?

Well i started on a tredmill when i was 13 so i suppose you can go earlier but just ask a person at your local Gym and find out.

Does the tredmill give you abs and muscles?

The treadmill gives you abs since you'll be burning the belly fat in your stomach but you'll have to do abdominal workouts. It does not give you muscles, to gain muscles you'll have to lift weights.

What is pack?

a There are coil "pack" for ignition. 6" pack" carburetors.

Do you have to see a 6 pack abs for it to be 6 pack abs?

everyone has a 6 pack, but body fat covers it. So to be able to see your 6 pack, you must burn off that layer of fat over you abdomen.

Does zayn have an 8 pack?

No, he has a 6 pack

How do you get stronger faster?

Work on a tredmill or run laps around the house