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Yes, it could as it is found below the stomach.

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Q: Can a tumor in Pancreas contact Stomach from outside?
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What if your husband had a carcinoid tumor in the lining of his stomach and he has a inflamed pancreas with a lot of scar tissue in his pancreas?

Then you take him to the doctor.

What is insulinoma?

It is a tumor of the pancreas that produces an excess of insulin.

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What part of the body does a carcinoid tumor affect?

Carcinoid tumors affect hormone-producing cells of our organs and can be found in the stomach, in the lungs, in the pancreas or in testicles (man) and ovaries (woman).

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What is the meaning of IPMT lesion in pancreas?

Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumor

If you consumed a cancerous tumor would you contract cancer?

No. Your stomach will digest the tumor and you will have to crap it out eventually.

What type of pancreatic cancer is the most common?

Insulinoma is the most common tumor of the endocrine pancreas.

What causes a small red bumps on stomach?

That's wayyy too general. A bump on the stomach could be a rash, a pimple, a tumor or an insect bite. To know for sure (and if its causing you problems), please contact a health professional. ~ T

Can a cancerous tumor be on the outside of your skin?


What is it when their is a ball in your stomach and its hurting?

you might have a tumor, either gut tumor or blood vessel abnormality. go see your doc.

What is an adenocarcinoma?

a malignant tumor originating in the epithelial cells of glandular tissue and forming in glandular structures cancer dirived form glandular tissue or in which the tumor cells form recognizable glandular structures