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Q: Can a unmarked police car pull you over?
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How do you know if a unmarked police car is behind you?

pull over slow down panic look in mirror

Does a unmarked police car have to pull you over to give you a ticket?

Yes, the way they pull you over is they have lights in behind the grille and they have lights in the back window and sometimes they have lights on there mirrors. The answer is No they can not ticket you .... For one it is an unmarked car police officer or not just because they have lights where ever does mean anything ... they have no stickers magnets or decals stating who they are they may have a badge but still they can not ticket you if they pull you over they can check ur licese and registration or whaatever but they have to call for back up .. been there trust me i fought it in court and won the traffic judge told the undercover officer it is illegal to ticket while driving an unmarked car

How do you know a marked police car from an unmarked police car?

Here Is an Example Of Marked Toronto Police Car:

What is a unmarked police car?

i would say, when the police officers car doesnt have its lights on at night. hope this helps :)

Can a police officer own a Unmarked Police Vehicle even though he is a uniformed officer?

The police officer does not own the police car, the jurisdiction he works for owns it, and yes a uniformed officer can drive an unmarked vehicle.

Can a police car follow a vehicle for a mile without pulling them over?

Police followed a car for at least a mile before finding a reason to pull them over. Is that legal?

Is it illegal for an unmarked LA cop to use lights in FL to get you to move over?

Not enough information to answer."MOVE over?" Emergency lights or did he just flash his headlights? Did he pull you over or just blink them to notify he wanted to pass you? Were they in a marked unit or an unmarked car? Was it his privately owned vehicle?If they didn't pull you over how do you even know it was an LA officer?Too many scenarios and NO information with which to answer.

Can an unmarked police car sitting on a major highway at night issue a speeding ticket?


What does the 'marked' box mean on a speeding ticket in IL?

I believe it refers to the officer's squad car. Stating that the car he/she pulled you over in was a marked car. Making it obvious that it was a police officer. Unlike an unmarked police car that would probably be driven by an undercover or plain clothes officer.

Can a police man pull you over for being out past curfew?

No because the car is your property unless they have a warrant

Is it possible to get caught by a car driving down the street if you snuck out at night?

It depends. If it is a police car, they cannot legally pull you over unless you are doing something suspicious. So if you are speeding a police man could pull you over, and not only charge you for speeding, but for going past curfew.

Do PA Police pull over vehicles with out-of-state over-due vehicle registration?

yes they do because if you have a car and it has no regrestration than they might think that you stole the car.