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No, that will probably never happen. First unless I missed something, or state laws are different, you have to be 18 to get married. Second if he is illegally here, there is a good chance that he is never going to be legal......ever.... On a more factual note, it takes three(3) years of being married to a U.S. Citizen to become a Citizen, and five(5) years with out. Side note, there is a reason people who go after children under the age of 18 are put in jail. If you are seeing someone who is older than 18 and you are 16 then you might want to get some help. Especially if it is an Illegal Mexican, for some reason they seem to like girls who can't say no.

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Q: Can a us citizen female marry a illegal Mexican at the age of 16 and you bothe are in love can he become a us citizen and how?
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