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If your talking about fictional vampires then Yes, if your talking about real vampires then no, it is not a venom.

It is in your genes.

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Q: Can a vampire turn someone else into a vampire?
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Can a psychic vampire turn someone else?

In order to turn someone a vampire must effect saliva transfer. As a psychic vampire has no need to do this the effect of his psychic-feeding would not result in the creation of another vampire. If however a psychic vampire were to resort to the usual means of feeding then yes, he could turn a victim into a vampire.

Do you have to be a pure blood vampire to make someone else a vampire?

I belive that it has to be a pure blood vampire to turn you into a vampire.once that vampire pierces your neck to your flesh theyb would put poison in you and then they will turn you into a vampire i dont know how they can turn you into one. I belive in all vampires and others may think that they are not real but trust your opinion.Believe in what is in your dreams.

How do you do a curse to turn into a vampire?

There are no curses to turn oneself (or someone else) into a vampire, but it is believed that if one commits a sin, they will become a vampire when they die because their souls cannot enter heaven. Vampire-ism is also a way of life where one (usually part of a clan or cult) partakes in the drinking of blood as a ritual. But there is not curse for that either.

When a vampire bites someone does the person turn into a vampire?

Yes because the curse goes into you.

What posion will turn you in to a vampire?

there is no posion that will turn you into a vampire but a vampire blood can turn you into a vampire

What is it called in the show vampire diaries when a vampire looks at someone else and makes them forget what just happened?

A vampire can compell a human to do something or forget something.

Can someone turn into a vampire?

Yes. Sure. Who ever wants to be a vampire post a message on my board. My nickname is LittleGirl123. Thanks!

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What is the definition of of something someone does for someone else?

A favour or a 'good turn'.

When was Edward Cullen turned into a vampire?

he became a vampire when he was 17 years old in 1918 .carlisle found him in the hospital- dying is a disease which occurred during that time which killed many people- and he wanted someone to share what it is like and he wanted a Friend and a son so he thought saving someone from dying would be better than changing someone who has a human future awaiting before them

Besides the boolprop cheat how else can you turn a sim into a vampire on the Sims 2?

You need to meet a vampire downtown if you have nightlife and build a good relationship and they will bite you.

Who can turn you vampire?

Other vampires can turn you into a vampire.