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Being aware of course, the werewolves exist only in myth and legend, they can sometimes change. It depends on who wrote the story and they legends they use to inspire them. Some werewolves can turn into wolves when its not full moon if they get angry, but most can only turn into wolves on full moon.

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Q: Can a werewolf transform without a full moon?
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Related questions

Who turn into a werewolf when there is a full moon?

were wolfs don't actuly transform(as far as i know) but on the full moon they are stronger.

Is there a rpg were you can transform into a werewolf?

at night time ween its the day of the full moon

Can a werewolf transform when he gets very angry or only during the full moon or do they just go wolf at night?

Stupid Question!

Is Jacob from new moon wolf or werewolf?

He's a werewolf, meaning that he can transform at will from a human into a wolf.

How do you perform a warewolf transformation?

Really, you don't. But the following are steps to performing a wErewolf transformation: 1. Wait for a full moon 2. Be a werewolf 3. Transform 4. Terrorize the village 5. Transform back and let nobody know

Can the moon transform you?

Not sure what "transformation" you are talking about; the transformation of a human into a werewolf is a fantasy story, if that's what you are referring to.

How do you change back into a werewolf?

I would think that you transform back after the night of the full moon, but if not, look it up or try and find a book on the subject.

What age does Jacob transform into a werewolf in new moon?

He transformed in one when he was 16

How was werewolf formed?

by a full moon

What is the myth about how werewolves work?

The myth says that anyone who is bitten by a werewolf has no choice to become a werewolf. They transform to a werewolf at night on a full moon. They also die from nothing else but a silver bullet. Wolfsbane is a plant that a werewolves weakness and is like a poison to werewolves.

How you can developed into a werewolf?

Well, scientists believe that were-wolves don't exist but if your doing a fantasy story then its said that transform into their wolf apperence when the moon is full. Hope this helped! :)

What is a Lycanthrope by the full moon?

There are three (major) types of werewolf. Those that are cursed or induced into the condition, those who can shape-shift by magical means, or the descendants of King Lycaon. The lycanthropes are of the last type. These werewolf are independent of the full moon, and can pretty much transform into a wolf when ever they like. The werewolves of the twilight series are lycanthropes.