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Q: Can a woman on her period cause 2 male dogs to fight?
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Why does my golden retriever fight at dog parks?

cause other dogs when they bark at them they talk in dog language that makes your god angry and wants to fight its because they little dogs always think they rule dogs and a golden retrievers are sweet dogs and don't like to fight i can tell you

Are cats nice to dogs?

Funny you should ask as I wipe the blood off my dogs nose from getting into a fight with my cat. No my cats hate my dogs and go out if their way to cause trouble.

Why do dogs fight?

Some dogs will fight over food or a bone. If you mean why do they fight at a dog fight, that is because sick humans have trained them to fight.

Do Beagles fight with other dogs?

If you train them correctly, no, they won't fight with other dogs.

Do dogs throw up on their period?

dogs don't get period

When and where did dog fight start?

dogs fight

Did bambi fight the dogs or ran away from them?

In the movie Bambi, He did not fight the dogs he ran away.

How long is the justation period for dogs?

How long is the justation period for dogs?

Do raccoons normally kill dogs?

No, raccoons normally avoid confrontations with dogs but if attacked by a dog, a raccoon will fight and, possibly, inflict serious damage that could cause the death of the attacker.

Do dogs and horses always fight?

no. it depends on the dogs and the horses.

How do they train dogs to fight?

they training them to fight to each other

What is the gestation period for boxers?

The gestation period for dogs - all dogs - is nine weeks.