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Yes, well... when you buy it, it may already be pregnant, you never know. But if you want it pregnant after you get it, then it may be harder. They can if they are happy enough or are having hybrid fry.

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Yes they most definitely can, from experience of owning mollies I know that most of their adult life hood the females remain pregnant, and they are almost constantly breeding. When they have their fry sometimes you will see some fully developed fry and some premature fry due to the different times of becoming pregnant, they have a gestation period of 20 - 33 days and can have fry throughout this time depending on the fish.

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All livebearers do a sort of showing off dashing around the female ritual but nothing to compare with some of the more elaborate rituals performed by the Anabantids and Cichlids.

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Q: Can a young molly get pregnant if there is no male in the tank?
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Is a molly pregnant when she seems depressed and is always hiding?

If your female Molly has been in the same tank with a male molly then you can almost guarantee that she will be gravid (pregnant). If she is behaving in a touchy and skittish manner doing short dashes from place to place near the bottom of the tank then it is quite possible she is letting her young free (giving birth).

How do you know if a black mollie is pregnant or has dropsy?

In dropsy the scales stick out from the body like a wood rasp. If your female molly has been in a tank where there is a male molly present then it is almost certain that she is gravid (pregnant).

How do you tell if a black molly fish will take to give birth again?

Idon't no if this will help but if there is a male in the same tank as the female molly then 80% of the time the female is pregnant.

If you get a non pregnant molly fish and a male molly fish will they most likely have babies?

I can almost guarantee that they will have young provided they are in conditions that suit them. Mollies grow to around 3 inches so a minimum sized tank for a pair of mollies if you want them to breed would be a nominal 15 gallon tank. You would also need the tank to be heated, filtered, planted and lit with proper lights to help the plants grow.

Can a pregnant molly fish be kept in a small fish bowl?

no, i would advise a larger tank x

Why is my phantom fish staying in one corner is it because it scared because i just bought new molly fish or because its pregnant?

If your fish is pregnant, it would look larger, and there would most likely be little eggs in the bottom of the tank. If your Phantom Fish is a male, and so is your Molly, then most likely the bigger fish is 'the ruler' of the tank. Try putting your phantom fish in a different aquarium, and if it seems happier, keep it there.

Do molly dalmatian fish eat other fish?

If there are fish small enough for the molly to swallow in the tank with them then they will most probably be eaten. They will eat their own young.

How to find the goldfish and black molly are pregnancy?

She will have a large abdomen. A molly will be pregnant for about 28 days. She can store sperm for several months and can be pregnant again even when there is no male around. It is possible but does not always occur. Goldfish do not get pregnant, they lay eggs. But they can hold onto the eggs up to a month until the male is ready to spawn. If it takes too long for the male, the female will expel the eggs anyway. The female lays he eggs and them the male will fertilize the eggs. In my world, when the mollies had babies, I would move the mother if she seems like she can move back to the tank. If not then I would put the babies in another tank and leave the mother recuperate. Sometimes this is possible and sometimes not. I know I will hear that this is wrong but it worked for me.

My balloon molly is pregnant and wont have her babies any suggestions?

Livebearers can and do hold on to their young and refuse to release them if conditions are not to their likeing. The commonest reason is too small accomodation. I would make sure that she is in a large enough container (tank) that is well planted and filtered so that she can understand that her young can/will survive. I would suggest at least a 10gal tank preferably larger.

How does a female guppy get pregnant with no male in tank for two years?

I believe that female guppies can store male sperm in their bodies until the environment is just right and then they will use it to become pregnant at will.

Can a fish that is on a 10 gallon tank be pregnant?

you mean in a ten gallon tank? yes, then, if it is a stable tank, and there is a male and a female, then it is possible. that has happened to my 10 gal. before.

Is it normal for my dalmatian molly to be chasing my gourami's in my 20 gallon tank aggresively after just introduced the gourami's are young still and as they grow I am moving them to a new tank?

It is a risk. Every fish you put in a tank has a risk of fighting