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Q: Can acyclovir prevent the blisters from erupting?
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Can you continue to take acyclovir if still have blisters from shingles?

You can take acyclovir after chickenpox appears. Ask your health care provider if you are not sure about the instructions for your prescription.

What are the symptoms of pemphigus vulgaris?

According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of pemphigus vulgaris are blisters on your skin and mucus membranes. It typically begins with blisters in your mouth, followed by blisters erupting on your skin. The blisters do not itch but may interfere with eating.

Can humans prevent the force of a volcano?

No. Nothing we can to can prevent volcanoes from erupting.

Can monitoring equipment be used to prevent a volcano from erupting?

We have no means to prevent a volcano from erupting, but if we can tell that it is going to erupt, we can evacuate that area to avoid injury.

What is Acyclovir?

Aciclovir is a medication used to treat the herpes virus infections. It also is used to treat chickenpox. It is not meant to cure these infections but to prevent a breakout of herpes or blisters.

Riding gloves can?

to prevent from your hands from getting blisters and to get a better grip on the reins. The answer on howrse is: prevent you from getting blisters and to get a better grip on reins.

Can Riding gloves prevent blisters?


What is the use of a sock?

to prevent blisters silly!!

What are some ways to control or prevent volcanoes?

It is impossible to control a volcano or prevent one from erupting.

How do we prevent volcanoes erupting?

u cant ha ha ha

How do you prevent blisters?

wear cotton free socks

What products prevent blisters?

Grocery stores or pharmacies sell products that reduce and prevent blisters before they get much aggressive. check in with your local pharmacy to get the best product for that.