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No, only through sharing of fluids.

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Q: Can aids be transmitted in the shower or toilet?
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Why would a toilet back up into the shower?

A down line clog would cause this. The shower drain is lower than any other drain in the bathroom so it is the first to tell you of a clog in the line. Time to Roto Rooter! Y-THINK-Y The toilet and shower must have the same drain. There is a blockage somewhere after the toilet and shower drains meet. The backup takes the easiest route back which must be the shower drain. Try snaking out both drains. Start with the toilet. To do the best job, remove the toilet and start from floor level.

How is AIDS transmitted sexually?

Aids is transmitted sexually and any exchange of bodily fluids.!

Can aids be transmitted by sucking?

yes aids can be transmitted by sucking because, the list of catergory which is ideal to contract aids is, oral, anal, and normal (53x)

What does 1.75 bathroom mean?

This indicates that it has a toilet, sink and a shower but no bathtub. A 1.50 indicates that it has a toilet, sink but no shower or bathtub.

Aids can be transmitted breast milk?

HIV can be transmitted via breast milk.

How is aids goes to another bodies?

AIDs is not a sexually transmitted disease as many people think. It is transmitted through needles many times.

What is a one-and-a-half bathroom?

A bathroom would have a toilet-sink-tub and or shower. A half bath has a toilet maybe a sink but no tub or shower.

Can you get aids from whiping someone?

aids can be sexually transmitted but you can also catch it from the blood of a person infected by aids (hiv)

When installing a shower can the drain be placed in front of the toilet without concern?

I can be but the toilet needs to have 24" in front of it to be legal. Plus you cannot tie your shower drain in the the horizontal branch of the toilet.

How do you use toilet quietly?

you pee in the shower?

Why does toilet sing?

Because the Shower Hummed

Why does your shower leak once the toilet is flushed?

The drains for the shower, toilet and sink all connect to a common line. Assuming the toilet is not backing up, the problem indicates that there may be a partial blockage, enough so that some of the toilet flow is backing up through the shower drain line. You need plumbing repair. The shower leak you mention should only be in the shower, or else you have a broken drain line as well.