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Q: Can all consumers get their energy directly from the sun?
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How do consumers get their energy directly and indirectly from the sun?

Because they like sun food!(:

Do all consumers need the sun's energy for survival?

Ir dependa

Do consumers get energy indirectly from the sun?

Yes, consumers indirectly get energy from the sun through various processes. The sun's energy is captured by plants during photosynthesis, converting it into chemical energy stored in the form of carbohydrates. Consumers then obtain this energy by consuming plants or other organisms that have consumed plants.

Where do all biotic factors get their energy?

From the sun , directly or indirectly .

Which of these groups CANNOT harvest energy from the sun?

Primary and secondary consumers cannot harvest energy from the sun. These consumers must eat producers to gain the sun's energy indirectly.

Which organism gathers its energy directly from the Sun?

Which organism gathers its energy directly from the sun

Do all animal get their energy from the sun?

On this planet, they do, either directly or indirectly.

Where do producers consumers an decomposers obtain energy?

The energy in the producers comes from the sun. It feeds the consumers. The decomposers ultimately release the energy from the consumers and the producers that were not consumed.

How is sun a source of energy?

That means that we - planet Earth, and all living beings on Earth - get most of our energy, directly or indirectly, from the Sun.

Why is the sun important to both producers and consumers?

producers make energy from the sun and then consumers eat the producers, ex: a plant (producer) uses photosynthesis and the sun to make energy then a bunny (consumer) eats the plant for energy. so the sun is the source of energy

How is energy transferred through a food chain?

10% or the energy of THE SUN is transferred. 1 tertiary consumers 10 secondary consumers 100 primary consumers 1000 producers 10000 sun

What gets it's energy indirectly from the sun?

All animal life on the earth get their energy indirectly from the sun as they consume plants that get their energy directly from the sun or other animals that have consumed plants.