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Yes. Because morality is a nebulous concept many consider abortion and capital punishment to be amoral. Others find usury, lying and fraud to be amoral, but generally all are legal to one degree or another.

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An amoral act could still be considered legal. For example, in 2014 a man put a pig's head on a police car but it was decided that he had broken no laws.

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What is a amoral act?

a is the prefix meaning not or against. Therefore amoral means without morals.

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example of an amoral act which becomes good due to circumstances?

What are the examples of amoral act which becomes good due to circumstances?

An example of an amoral act that becomes good due to circumstances is stealing to feed a starving family. While stealing is typically considered unethical, the act may be justified in this specific situation to prevent harm or save lives. The intention behind the act can shift its moral implications based on the context.

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amoral is a band in japan.

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The opposite of amoral is principled.

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One example of an amoral act that can become good because of circumstances is stealing food to feed a starving family. While stealing is generally considered amoral or immoral, the circumstances of the family's hunger make the act of stealing food a potentially justifiable one. In this scenario, the act of stealing is not done with malicious intent, but rather out of desperation to provide for loved ones in a time of need. While the act of stealing itself is not inherently good, the circumstances surrounding it can make it a morally justifiable action.

When was Deliciosamente amoral created?

Deliciosamente amoral was created in 1969.

Sentence using amoral?

He had an amoral attitude towards working on his own vehicles. Amoral means lacking the skill or sense of something.

How do you use the word amoral in a sentence?

Amoral means "outside morals, or unconcerned with morals": It is most likely that animals are amoral in their actions.

What is amoral acts?

In Spanish this is "Actos amoral". "Amoral" has the same spelling in Both languages. In Spanish the pronunciation is "ah-mohr-AHL".

What is amoral or define amoral?

English 'amoral' means 'lacking morality' (so neither moral nor immoral, because considering them irrelevant)

Can you give me a sentence for amoral?

It would mean we live in a totally amoral universe.