

Can an animal damage a pool liner?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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chlorine can cause some damage to most things because its corrosive. However this should not be a problem with pool liners as they are made keeping in mind that pools use chlorine.

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Yes. Especially pets like dogs and cats that have claws.

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Q: Can an animal damage a pool liner?
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Can ants eat inground vinyl pool liner and create pinholes?

Yes, definitely. I had to replace the pool liner due to a freeze-induced blowout (in an above-ground pool). When I replaced the liner I used the foam pool coving material, rather than just reshape the sand. The next year, we started having little leak after little leak. Finally, I drained the pool halfway down to try and patch some bigger areas, and when I pulled the liner away from the wall, the pool cove material was riddled with ant tracks around every area that was leaking. I don't know if it was termites from some nearby rotten firewood, or just ants making nests there, but they really trashed that liner.

Can ants eat vinyl pool liner below water level?

Yes, definitely. I had to replace the pool liner due to a freeze-induced blowout (in an above-ground pool). When I replaced the liner I used the foam pool coving material, rather than just reshape the sand. The next year, we started having little leak after little leak. Finally, I drained the pool halfway down to try and patch some bigger areas, and when I pulled the liner away from the wall, the pool cove material was riddled with ant tracks around every area that was leaking. I don't know if it was termites from some nearby rotten firewood, or just ants making nests there, but they really trashed that liner.

On an annual basis animal-vehicle collisions cause about how much damage?

1 Billion

Can cats get brain damage?

Any kind of animal can get brain damage. Did the cat have a head injury of some kind? It may need to be taken to the vet, there could be hemorrhaging (bleeding of the brain).

How can damage to an ecosytem harm animals that live there?

If something is removed or damaged, that part of their life is removed. Damage to water, food, or shelter sources, cause an animal to go without, which can cause death or a population decline.

Related questions

Can termites cause inground swimming pool liner damage?

Termites can and do cause damage to pool liners.....The trmites will come through cracks in the vermiculite and actually eat through a liner.

How can you tell if your pool liner has chlorine damage?

It turns white and brittle.

Will the chlorine tablet you dropped into the pool not the filter canister put a hole in your liner?

Chemicals, especially chlorine, should not be allowed to sit on a pool's liner for any period of time. This will cause bleaching and could damage your liner.

Can Fireworks damage pool liner?

Yes, fireworks can potentially damage a pool liner. The high heat and debris from fireworks can cause punctures or burns to the liner, leading to leaks and requiring repairs or replacement. It's best to keep fireworks away from pools to prevent any damage.

Where can one buy a pool liner?

There are many places where one can buy a pool liner. One can buy a pool liner at popular on the web sources such as Liner World, USA Pool Pros, and National Pool Wholesalers.

Does a pool liner pad stop an existing leak?

The pool liner pad is placed underneath the pool liner to prevent items from cutting through the liner. If the liner is already leaking, the liner pad will not stop the leak.

How do you turn a fully concrete liner pool into a fully concrete pool with out a liner?

by taking the liner away!

What is a pool liner?

Overlap refers to just that... the liner overlaps the top of the pool. The other option is a hung liner, where the liner locks into a track..

Does anyone know the damage a weed eater can cause to a above ground pool wall and liner. I believe this is what happened to my pool wall?

I have personally experienced the damage you are talking about. I got too close my pool with my weeder and it put 5 holes along the side. I had to replace my entire pool walls and liner. I sugggest that you put white rocks or mulch around your pool, it helps to prevent this from happening. Good luck.

Pool Liner?

form_title= Pool Liner form_header= Replace or install a liner for your pool. Do you need to replace an existing liner?*= () Yes () No Is it an in-ground or above-ground pool?*= () In Ground () Above Ground What is the size of your pool?*= _ [50]

How much pool liner do you allow at top for overlap pools?

That normally depends on where you are getting the liner from, but in most cases, you measure the pool diameter and actual pool wall height. When you order the liner, let the liner manufacturer know the liner is for an above-ground pool with an overlap liner. The liner manufacturer will then make the pool wall enough longer to allow several inches of liner material to fold over the top of the pool wall and anchor it in place with the liner locking strips.

What is a overlap pool liner?

Overlap refers to just that... the liner overlaps the top of the pool. The other option is a hung liner, where the liner locks into a track..