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I would say no, there is no sparking in the electrical connections. With a motor, electrical noise is caused by electricity traveling between the brushes and the rotor which is spinnung. For example a Hair Drier or any type of motor that plugs into a household outlet. The smaller the motor, the less static that is created. I am just not sure if any of the static travels very far such as to another home nearby.

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Q: Can an electric water heater cause elect noise?
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It depends on if it's a gas water heater or electric. I don't think electric makes any noise, but a gas water heater, you'll the gas ignite, and hear the rushing gas from the burner.

Why does your electric water heater make a clicking noise?

If it is a single click, from time to time, it is the thermostat cycling on and off, and it is normal.

What cause a humming noise when heater is turned on?

its your squirl cage inside of your blower motor. guaranteed. happened to me twice

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was there something on your dash that fell in the vent, a bad fan will make noise all the time.

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the blend door actuater is more than likely the cause of the noise.....very common....can go in behind the glove box to replace it.

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Sounds like the fan for rear air/heater. usually found behind the inner cover.

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Depending on the nature of the noise, when it occurs and more description, it'll be very hard to offer ideas on a cause. One thing that does cause 'noise', is a thumping / clicking when changing the heater temperature setting. See "Related Questions" below for more about that particular problem.

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Probably the heater blower motor.

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Why is there a loud vibrating noise when heater turned on?

When there are loose parts in the fan that runs the heater system, there will be many instances of noise and vibration. A technician should dismantle the system and fix it.

Dash lights go on and off for no reason heat won't turn off and an electric noise is coming from the heater air conditioning in a 1998 blazer what is going on?

If the dash lights go on and off and the heat won't turn off and electrical noise is coming from the heater, there could be a short in the wiring on a 1998 Blazer. This is also possible if the ground wire for these items is not longer attached.