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If the minor is truly legally emancipated he/she is an adult and so is the 18 year old so they can do what they want. The purpose of dating is to find out about the person, but living with them is more than dating.

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Q: Can an emancipated minor and an 18 year old live together if there dating?
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Related questions

If a minor gets emancipated are they allowed to live with someone until they find a job?

The minor may live where ever they want, the have been emancipated, they may control their own lives with no involvement from parents.

Can minors live alone in Iowa?

No, minors can not live alone in the state of Iowa. The only way a minor can live alone is if the minor has been emancipated.

Could two 16 year olds legally live together without being emancipated?

No, they cannot. And no judge is going to emancipated two minors so they live together.

In Tennessee can a minor move in with the father of her child?

If she is emancipated or has her parents permission she can live where ever she wants.

Can a 16-year-old girl get emancipated and live with her 22-year-old boyfriend if she has parental permission in Oklahoma?

At 16, you need parental permission anyways just to be emancipated. But with parental permission, I think she can live with her boyfriend. The only problem would be that she's a minor and he's not, but I think she is much less a minor when emancipated.

Can you be emancipated if you are the age of 16 live at home but have a stable job and can live with your boyfriend who is 17?

No judge in any state will emancipate a minor if her intention upon being emancipated is to move in with her boyfriend. That is not the purpose of emancipation.

Can a minor be emancipated if they are pregnant?

Not automatically just because you are pregnant. Might also depend on where you live and how old you are.

Can a minor child who is 11 get emancipated and live with her grandparents?

No. Being emancipated means taking care of yourself and pay your own bills, have your own place, work etc. You can not seek early emancipation until you are 16 in the states that have that option. As long as you are a minor your parents or the court decides where you live.

What is a live in boyfriend girlfriend?

It is when they are dating and they live together.

If I am emancipated can I move out of state I'm 16 by the way?

Emancipated minors are considered legally independent. An emancipated minor may move out of state without parental consent and live on their own without adult household members.

If you are emancipated and have had problems with juvenile before when you get emancipated can you still get in trouble with juvenile?

I believe that if you become imancipated, at that point the court sees you as responible enough to live on your own. However if you get into trouble with another minor then, you would be considered contributing to the deliquency of a minor

Can a minor be emancipated in the state of Florida without being married or pregnant?

As far as i know the 2 main factors in being emancipated are having a steady job and a place to live.