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Most perspective employers don't need to ask considering they can legally test you for illegal drugs. Employers can absolutely ask if you have or still use illegal drugs as it would obviously affect your performance.

You do not legally have to tell them the truth, its not a court room, you don't have to plead the fifth, and lying is not perjury.

Answer also: Today to protect themselves from possible future problems prospective employers are asking all kinds of questions that supposedly are not legal to ask. But most employers will tell you they have a legal right to do random drug testing. If you fail the drug test, they have the legal right to fire you. Case closed. Some of them even have signs up saving if you use drugs, DO NOT APPLY.

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Q: Can an employer ask a perspective employee about their illegal use of drugs?
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Can an employer lie and say and say an employee was using and taking drugs?

They can, but this is illegal, you can take it to court if they say this, you could take blood tests, (this is only if you haven't taken any illegal drugs), you can take prescribed drugs.

Does your Employer have the right to know all the medication you are on?

No, but they can test for illegal drugs.

Is it illegal for an employer to drug test for a post accident 36 hrs after the incident Even when they were notified when the accident occurred?

Many employers have drug policies that include random drug screens or drug screens following an event. Would't you agree that it would be reasonable for an employer to have the right to know if an employee uses drugs which of course is a symptom of extremely poor judgment? Employees who use drugs are far more accident prone. Wouldn't everyone agree that an employer should minimize his risk?

Does your employer have the right to suggest that you are manic depressive and should take drugs?

Your employer most certainly has the right to make a suggestion. Of course, you have the right to respectfully decline. If your employer insists you take drugs for a mental disorder "diagnosed" by this employer, you have the right to respectfully inform this employer that it is illegal to practice and prescribe medicine without a license to do so. Unless, of course, your employer is a licensed practitioner of mental disorders, but even then, you have the right to respectfully decline.

What is in the drugs that make them illegal?

Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.

If an employee was injured while under the influence of drugs and the employer was not aware of the drug use does workmen's comp apply?

legally no, since no one knows about it. Morally, yes.

Does an employer have to provide help for someone who tested positive for drugs?

yes if you have proplems with drugs your employer has to pay for rehab

What does illegal drugs mean?

Illegal drugs mean drugs which is not accepted or it's against the law to use them

Can employee be punished for sleeping due to prescribed medication?

Certainly. An employer has ZERO duty to allow your meds as an excuse for failing to perform as required, whether you tell the boss of the drugs or not.

Is there a time limit for the employer to get the drug tests results to the employee?

Yeah, before you are hired. It takes them only a couple of days to get the results but if there is something in your system the toxicology lab will call you first and ask if you are on any prescribed drugs before giving the results to the employer. If you are they can not disclose that positive result to the employer.

What are three illegal drugs?

Three illegal drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

Is it illegal to help someone buy drugs to drive them to where they can purchase illegal drugs?

yes it is, you are assosiated with the drugs and the drug buyer.