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Absolutely. A company that lays off workers is not doomed to forever remain at the new, smaller size.

Employees who are laid off and not rehired may have grounds for a lawsuit if they can show the layoffs and subsequent hirings were discriminatory in nature. For example, if you lay off a group of workers and then rehire all those under 30 years old, a 50 year old who was laid off might be able to claim that the layoff was a pretext for age discrimination, so a company who lays off workers and then hires some of them back (or replacements for the same jobs) had better very carefully document the reasons the re- or new hires were chosen over laid-off workers who were NOT rehired, and those reasons had better be legally valid ones ("he's clearly more qualified" is legally valid; "he's white" is almost certainly not).

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Q: Can an employer rehire after having a lay off?
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An employer can change your schedule for any reason, and you work the schedule set by the employer.

Can a company lay you off call you back then lay you off again?

Certainly, that is a frequent occurance under most recall policies. As the employer's need for labor changes, the last recalled person moves in and out.

As employee why do you have to give two weeks notice to quit to an employer?

Unless you have a contract with your employer that states otherwise, you do not have to give two weeks' notice. However, there are several reasons why you might want to:It's good form. Giving two weeks' notice demonstrates your professional courtesy and moral character.It may help you receive accrued paid time off. Unless your state is required to pay you accrued paid time off, your employer may decide whether you will receive paid time off at separation. In this circumstance, most employers will only pay accrued PTO to employees who give appropriate formal notice.It may positively affect your "rehire status." When future employers call a previous employer for a reference when you apply for a job, most employers will only share your "rehire status," that is, whether the company would hire you again. Obviously, being "not rehire-able" doesn't look good for you. Failing to give a formal notice gives your employer good reason to make you "not rehire-able."You won't burn bridges. Beyond employer references for future jobs, you may find yourself wishing to return to the company or working with individuals from the company, and leaving suddenly without formal notice isn't going to help your cause.

Can an employer lay off after disability?

Legally, no, an employer should not lay off anyone after disability. However, it does happen. It particularly happens if the employee can no longer do his or her job correctly because of his or her disability.

Can you get laid off if you are injured?

If the health issues interfere with the ability to adequately do the job, the employer may lay off that employee. Employers are not legally required to support an individual who is less productive than what is expected.

When spouses work for the same company and one of them quits due to a dispute with the employer is it legal for the employer to lay off the remaining spouse a few days later?

If it is an at will state, there is nothing the employees can do. They may have a case with the EEO and should check with them and file immediately if they do.

Is there a law that an employer must pay for health insurance for a lay-ed off employee for 9 months?

No federal law requires employers to offer anyone med insurance - current OR former employees. Certainly no law requires the employer to pay the premium.

What are the negative effects of strikes?

some disadvantages to the employer is they might have had a good picture of the people that they were nice and kind at heart so they hired them but when the emplee stricks at them it makes them have a bad image of the employee but the employer cant do anything to take that back he just has to lay them off