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If the vacation in question is considered a reward and not a job requirement, then it can be considered part of your income by the IRS and taxed accordingly. You always have the option of declining it and not being responsible for any tax.

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Q: Can an employer send you on a company paid vacation as a reward and tax you without your knowledge?
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Can an employer refuse to pay you earned vacation if you quit?

My guess is that it all goes to the contract you have with your employer. If you requested a vacation day and it was approved, they should pay you with vacation time. If you just missed a day without approval, they can choose not to pay you. But this is all speculative. Read your contract/employee handbook.

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email or call your New Mexico bar association if you want a reliable answer .

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I think your question is regarding a day that the company is not open. No, they cannot force you to take a sick day, a vacation day or a personal day...but they also don't have to pay you for the day (unless you are a salaried employee.) They can just schedule you to be off without pay on that day. So, they are probably suggesting that you take a sick day if you'd like to be paid for the time.

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Can employer use vacation time without employees permission?

Use of vacation time is covered under contract terms and conditions. And yes, there are times when an individual might not be able to take earned time off. A case could be made for not letting a large number of people from a specific work group take time off because it might hamper production. This would affect other work groups and the company as a whole. Certainly negotiation is in order if there is no specific language or agreement as regards using earned time off. It would be foolish of both parties not to talk about the situation and what options might be possible when they don't agree. Fairness and flexibility are what keep employees and employers mutually happy. Almost no US workers have contracts that establish vacation rules. VAcation is usually a gift from the employer, subject to unilateral rules set by the employer. As stated above, the employer CAN deny absences inconvenient to production.

Can an employer reduce the benefits of a couple of employees without doing it for all?

Sure. Few benefits are regulated by law, and are gifts from the employer. As long as denying the benefit - say, vacation, to employees X and Y was not based on race, sex, age, or disability, no rule forbids that choice.