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Q: Can an illegal alien become a legal resident by marrying a US citizen?
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Does illegal alien from Honduras residing in US for 7 years become a legal resident or citizen by marrying a US citizen?


How can an illegal that lives with an US citizen and has two kids become a legal resident?

by legally marrying that us citizen or print a form from the internet requesting to be a permanent resident

Is marrying a U.S Citizen in order to become a U.S citizen illegal?

Yes, marrying a U.S. Citizen in order to become a U.S. citizen is illegal.

Does an illegal alien from Venezula become a us citizen after marrying an American?

Nobody, not even a Venezuelan can become a US Citizen just by marrying a US Citizen. But it is by far the easiest ways of getting the citizenship. A person marrying a US citizen will be first granted with the conditional permanent resident status. After being so for 3 years, they can file in their citizenship application, if they satisfy all other eligibility conditions.

How can an illegal alien who is married to a citizen become a legal resident?

Yes They Can

Does an illegal alien who has overstayed his visa for more than a year become a legal resident or citizen by marrying a us citizen?

You've got to be kidding. Breaking the law is not the path to citizenship or permanent residence, neither is marriage.

Will an illegal alien become a legal US resident by marrying someone who has been granted asylum?


If you know someone is an illegal immigrant and became a citizen by marriage how can you sue them?

There are not grounds for filing a civil suit in such a situation. In addition, a foreign national whether illegal or not does become a citizen by marrying an American citizen, nor are they guaranteed permanent resident status. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services,

Can an illegal resident become a legal resident if her mate is a us citizen and have two kids but is not married?

iam an American sitizen,but my spouse is illegal resident. how can i help her get lawful papers?

Does an illegal alien from hondura become a legal resident by marrying a US citizen?

If there was illegal entry, then no, marriage doesnt make you a legal resident. You would need to file a 130 petition along with a I-601 waiver at the U.S. embassy/consulate in HONDURAS, and you would be required to appear there. If you had legal entry, then it would be possible to get legal residency through marriage to a citizen.

How does an illegal alien become US citizen by marrying US citizen?

they get married nd the person thats a citizen, gives the person citizenship nd stuff.

Can a permanent resident help her illegal Brazilian husband become legal in the US?

no, only us citizen can help for permanent resident