

Can an inner class be creatd?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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13y ago

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public class My {

public class Wallet {



//To create one

My.Wallet billFolder = new My.Wallet();

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Q: Can an inner class be creatd?
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What are inner classes?

Quite simply, an inner class is one class within another. Typically the inner class will be a private inner class, and will only be used by the outer class. class MyOuterClass { class MyInnerClass { } }

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An inner class is a class within a class: class MyClass { class MyInnerClass { } } Inner classes in Java are normally used for things like the nodes of a linked list.

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A class declared as a member of another class is called as a nested class or a class with in class. the general syntax of the nested class is: class outer_class_name{ private: //data protected: //data public: //methods class inner_class_name{ private: //data of inner class public: //methods of inner class };//end of inner class };//end of outer class

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When do you use inner classes?

You use inner classes when you know you'll never need to access that class from anywhere else. A common use of this is in a linked list implementation: public class LinkedList { private class LinkedListNode { } } There's no reason for any other class to have access to your node class, so it should be an inner class.

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