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angels probably will eat the guppies because their family is chiclid. Chiclids can't get along with many other types of fish.

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Q: Can angel and guppies live and spawn in the same container?
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Are guppies eggs red?

guppies have live fry

Does a guppy lay eggs?

The Guppy belongs to the Livebearer group and will give birth to free swimming fry instead of laying eggs. Guppies are easy to breed in aquariums and they will often spawn without any extra encouragement from their keeper. As soon as the fry are born, they will therefore be able to escape from their motherUnlike most tropical fish, guppies give birth the live young, hence the guppy is classified as a mammal. :)All types of guppies give birth to live young, hence they are classified as "livebearers".Give birth to their young.They give birth to puppiesGuppies are livebearers so they give birth to live young.

Can female guppies live together?

Yes - there is virtually no limit to how many female guppies can live together.

Can guppies be with brisslenoses?

Guppies are compatible with Bristlenose catfish, the bristlenose being one of a few catfish that can live with guppies because of the guppies' water.

Can guppies live with anyother fish?

Guppies can live very happily with heaps of other species of tropical fish

Can guppies live with tiger fish?

The tiger fish would eat the guppies.

Can guppies live in the same aquarium as a goldfish?

No. Guppies need a heater, whereas gold fish will overheat. Also, they will eat the guppies.

Are guppies live bearers or egg layers?

Guppies do not lay eggs they give birth to live young.

Can golden bristlenoses live with baby guppies?

No, All adult fish will eat baby guppies.

Can guppies live with Oscar fish?

not a chance. you could buy guppies as feeder fish for them though.

Can six guppies and five apple snails live together in a five-gallon tank?

You do not say if the guppies are common guppies or fancy, also how many male and female guppies you have, yes as far as the snails and guppies go, one point to remember is the tank water should be above 72 degrees and some live floating plants for the guppies too hide in.

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