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No, most animals are immune to the virus that infects human corpses.

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Q: Can animals be zombies
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What is a zombies favorite food?

Some zombies will only eat brains, others prefer flesh in general. But usually zombies will only eat humans, never animals.

Do zombies like brownies?

no they do not they feed on people animals and any meat.

Do zombies exist in real life?

Yes they do exist. I am a Zombie I eat dead animals ^ Creepy......but no they dont! Dont listen to stupid ppl about themselves being "zombies" or "eating dead animals".....not true!!

What animals are used in Santeria?

Chickens, goats, toads, & puffer fish(for zombies).

What is animal rise?

youve heard of zombies right ? well its were you bring animals back to live

How do you let your animals out on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

The barn your animals are living in should have tall bell in the front. Ring it, and your animals will start to walk out (Kinda like hypnotized zombies) :)

Are zombies plausible?

There is a fungus that turns bugs and other small animals into zombie like creatures. But the idea behind zombies is just science fiction. It's not going to happen but it is fun to think about

Who created the zombies?

Actually, to be true, zombies were created by a virus. A virus is said to have entered our Earth somewhere in the 1800s. When people and animals die, they may by chance get infected by the virus and become a zombie.

Do people lie about zombies?

zombies may be able to be real, in fact scientist try to bring animals back to life so if we try to do do that to humans we don't know what will happen........ keep your eyes out my friends. people do lie about zombies when they say, "zombies are dumb they will never be real" so they could be real, keep an eye open for them to come they might come!!!

Where there zombies?

There are no zombies. Zombies are fiction.

What are boss zombies?

they are the leaders of zombies and strong zombies

Why do you have to fight the zombies in Plants vs Zombies?

Because zombies are bad