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dude, atomic BOMBS can't kill cockroaches!! that raid gotta be some serious $H!T to kill a roach, bro! BTW just chop of their heads, they will die 4 days after from starvation :)

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Q: Can ant raid bait kill roaches?
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Can raid ant killer kill roaches?

yes because they take a crap on them

Can raid ant killer kill a squirrel?

Raid Ant Killer can kill whatever you choose, yes, that does include squirrels!

How do you kill carpenter ant?

Step on it. Spray it with Raid.

If you kill the queen of an ant colony does it confuse the colony?

The colony cannot function without the queen. This is the basis of ant bait pest control.

On your raid ant double control ant killer we do not understand direction separate bait stations from plastic frame Explain what you mean please?

There are several bait stations (little boxes) attached to the plastic frame. You have to pull them all off the frame so you can spread them around.

Where can I purchase ant killer that works?

An ant killer that would get of them for good would be Raid Ant Killer. It is very powerful.

What to do if baby eats an ant that eats ant bait?

For a poison emergency in the U.S. call 1-800-222-1222

What is best to use on fire ant's to kill them.?

The most environmentally safe way to kill fire ants is to feed them fire ant bait. What this does is cause the queen to stop reproducing, as fire ants bring the bait to the queen to eat. The queen will stop reproducing, and the current ants will eventually die due to age. The traditional way is using pesticides. Brands such as Amdro are popular choices. These should be applied to the ant colony, or wherever the ants are most concentrated. This tactic's intent is to kill all the ants at once. If the queen survives, she will be able to continue creating new ants.

How do you get rid of ant colonies?

You can get rid of ant colonies by spraying Raid around the area of the ants or simply stomping on them.

Can raid ant spray kill a bearded dragon in small traces?

If the amounts are small enough, no. How small is that amount? VERY SMALL. Do not take chances. Breaded dragons are sensitive.

I have ants. Should I call an ant exterminator or can I handle this on my own?

The easiest, cheapest way is to by some ant-bait traps the poison the ants. They'll take the poison back to their colony and kill them all off. Yeah, you definitely want to try yourself first. If you aren't successfully, call the ant exterminator.

Will ant spray harm geckos?

As a rule, yes the spray is likely to harm or even kill geckos if it gets onto them or even if they walk over it or eat insects that get the spray onto themselves. It is better to use a suitable kind of ant bait; it takes longer to work, but it works better and lasts longer. And it does not kill geckos and the like.