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Medically they shouldn't, but being in a mental state where you need antidepressant can be enough to stop menstruation all by itself. Might not be a bad thing either. Being a parent is a HUGE strain in itself, so going for that while depressed might be too much to carry.

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Q: Can antidepressants stop your ovulation
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Does the discharge you have during ovulation stop after tubal ligation?

no it does is not due to mechanical connection betn the tubes and uterus is because of hormonal changes during ovulation... so it wont stop after ligation.

What causes you to stop ovulating?

Depo Provera, it's a shot every 3 months.

Can antidepressants stop working?

Yes they can. If they do, you may ned a stringer dosage. Consult your doctor first, though.

Can a vaginal infection stop your period?

Yes, a vaginal infection can stop your period. This is because the PH balance can get messed up and stop the entire menstrual cycle.

Are all antidepressants like Xanax?

Xanax is not an antidepressants; antidepressants are not like Xanax.

What happens if you just stop using antidepressants?

You need to gradually reduce the dose--otherwise you may make things worse and your feelings will go amok. Check in with your doctor before doing so. It is very tempting when you feel well to stop taking medications, but it is short-sighted. Answer Suddenly stopping antidepressants without gradually withdrawing it causes untoward effects. Stopping antidepressants takes you back into depression. Some people in that state have attempted suicide. Many are fed up of antidepressants if they haven't experienced complete relief and desire to stop antidepressants. In this cases 1)It is sensible to inform your doctor 2)with the permission of doctor you may start gradually withdrawing one medicine, stop it. Then another medicine dose be tapered then stopped. At any point if the symptoms of depression return you know that medicine has been useful to you and you continue taking it in the correct dose.

Can seasonal every made someone stop ovulating forever?

No! Once you stop taking the medication your periods and ovulation will go back to normal!

Are antidepressants dangerous to brain memory?

Some studies have shown that some antidepressants can affect short term memory for some people, yes. Be sure to consult your doctor to see if this is something that might be happening to you, and don't stop taking an antidepressant without talking to your doctor. Some of them have negative effects if you just stop taking them cold.

How can you estimate your ovulation after you stop taking the pill if you never got a period?

* Ovulation typically occurs two weeks before your period. But several factors can affect that, including birth control pills.