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Not legally, unless expressed in legal terms by the friend and then signed, and also verified that the signing was authentic.

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Q: Can any employee at a law office get information about a friend via credit bureaus?
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How can you find out the total amount od debt you have?

You can always contact the credit bureaus to find out exactly how much debt you have. They don't take into account any debt that is not filed, such as $20 to your best friend, etc. but the big stuff like credit cards, auto and school loans, and house payments are all recorded with any of the 3 credit bureaus. You can even get the information for free,($1).

How does Credit Card companies know when a customer passes away?

Either the a friend or family member calls to report the passing to the credit card company or the company is told by the credit bureaus after a friend or family member mails a death certificate to the three credit bureaus. The safest way to avoid fraud after a death is to do both as soon as possible.The three bureaus are:Equifax P.O. Box 105069 Atlanta, GA 30348Experian P.O. Box 9530 Allen, TX 75013TransUnion P.O. Box 6790 Fullerton, CA 92634

Is 617 credit score bad?

The average credit score in America is 680, so YES, 617 is bad. You should consider doing a few things to improve your credit score. 1. Pay your bills on time. 2. Keep your credit card utilization rate at 20% or less 3. As a friend or relative to add you as an authorized user on their credit cards. (As long as they have a clean payment history and good utilization rate) 4. Do not apply for credit more than once every 6 months. 5. If you have negative information on your credit report you may want to go through it and check it for errors. If you find incorrect information, contact the credit bureaus to have the account updated or deleted. Or you may hire a credit repair service to handle that part of the process for you.

Can anyone help my friend with credit report gov?

The Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009 allows Bank Negara Malaysia to disclose credit information on a person to himself or herself for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of information reported in the credit report.

Where can I find a good credit union?

You can find the a good or best credit union by surfing a website to find a information. Also, you can go to ask a expert financial. Moreover, you can ask your friend to get more information before you decided it.

Can anyone help my friend with discover balance transfer?

Well Discover would be the type of credit card your friend has, and a balance transfer would be him paying off that credit card with another. He can contact Discover, or look on their website for more information.

After my divorce my credit was not great and our rental history was in my spouses name so how do I build my credit back?

While unclear why your credit changed after your divorce, rebuilding credit takes time and patience. Some actions to take: * Review your credit reports and correct any incorrect information through the credit bureau dispute processes * Pay your bills on time * Reduce any outstanding balances to below 30% utilization (utilization measures the percent of a credit line that is used) * Be sure that utilities (e.g., telephone, gas, electric, etc.) are in your name and are reporting good behavior to the credit bureaus * If you need credit now and the credit score is preventing the process, a friend or family member may consider co-signing for you (be sure their credit is better than yours)

How can you get a bankruptcy removed if it has been more than ten years since your bankruptcy was discharged and it is still showing on your credit report?

Outdated information about a bankruptcy needs to be disputed by the same process as any other error or mistake showing on your credit report. Send your discharge page along with a letter of dispute, proof of your address and identification to the bureaus requesting that the information be removed, corrected or updated. Request a new and complete credit report as proof that the information has been fixed. Send your request by certified mail, return receipt requested, so that you can keep track of when the bureaus received your request. They have 30 days by law to respond. The only thing I would add to the above is send a "COPY" not original of the BK discharge page. Never send original copies to the CRA's, they are not your friend and you may have headaches getting the originals back or getting additional official court copies.

Where can my friend find information on credit rating agencies?

He could probably find out about them if he found out what his credit score was, then use the given credit score to get an accurate rating. If that doesn't work, he can fill out a form to get contacted by phone to discuss the ratings.

What is a Duke Energy Employee Portal?

A friend of mine was given a Duke Energy Employee Portal. What does that mean?

I have a friend who doesn't have a credit card and is in need of a housing grant. How does she get a kit?

You can call your local housing legal authority in order to find more information about a housing grant.

How does grapevine helps in an organization?

1. Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as an employee gets to know some confidential information, he becomes inquisitive and passes the details then to his closest friend who in turn passes it to other. Thus, it spreads hastily.=)