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Yes, as long as you know that the person is not acting in their true being and that error has no control over a child of God you can do anything, just pronounce the truth and see the person as a perfect child of God.

Roman Catholic AnswerI should recommend extreme caution in this area. The devil is the most powerful creature ever made by God, and he is extremely intelligent and subtle. In the Church all major exorcisms are reserved to a bishop, or a holy priest appointed by him. There are minor exorcisms done by priests all the time, for instance, in the rite of baptism. Fr. Amorth recommends exactly what prayers and procedures are safe for laymen and why, in his book, An Exorcist Tells His Story, at the link below. Anytime you feel that you are dealing with a real possession or a real manifestation of the evil one, please contact a priest. In all actions, manifest extreme humility and trust in God, *alone*.
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Q: Can anyone perform an exorcism as long as they believe in God?
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