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Q: Can anyone tell is backcombing haram in Islam?
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As far as anyone can tell, he does not follow any particular religion. Check out his official webpage for more info.

Is it haram for a Muslim guy to do nice things for girls?

NO tell that guy to bang her too #iammuslim JK no it's not haram for a muslim guy to do nice things for girls, it is haram for him to take advantage and try to have sex and kiss the girl. That is haram doing nice things should be expected from people. Lol.

Is Islam an awesome religion?

Yes Islam is most awesome religion on Earth and a lot of people converted into Islam about how amazing and peaceful it is so convert now if you want to have a good life.Yes, it is a lot of people converted into Islam because they heard a lot of good things about Islam now they have a good life, so I recommend to convert to Islam if you want to have a peaceful life don't let anyone tell you it is not a good religion.

What is the common branch of Islam today?

Islam basically has no branch basically branches are sects which is forbidden haram! Nowadays some muslim have maden branches(sects) but they can't tell to which branch muhammad(saw) belongs to?? According to quran it is wriiten!! That hold the rope of allah and not be divided among urself There are more proooffs branches are not allowed!! Do what quran say Dr.zakir naik is best in this regard

Why do they have these rules for Halal and Haram?

Halal means good stuff and haram means bad stuff So they have these rules to tell us what is good from bad Like alcohol is bad so it is haram Pork is also haram because it contains lots of pathogens that cause diseases if not cooked properly. Also halal refers to a way of doing things for e.g if money is earned in an honest way it is halal and if earned in a dishonest way then haram.

Did Muhammad live in Islam for all of his life?

Did Muhammed Live In Islam, Please Tell Me Its For Homework.

Does Islam tell people to kill?

Islam does not teach Muslim to kill. Please look at the Al-Qur'an.

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What is the true position of Islam on shemales?

Sex change is not permissible of the person has complete male or female sexual organs. However it is allowed if you carry both male and female sexual organs (Hermaphrodite). What Islam says about Transsexuals is that it will be very difficult to tell men from women before the return of Christ. So in summary its wrong and unheard of unless you have a medical condition.

Who exactly started Islam?

Nobody can or will ever be able to tell.

Why does he not want you to tell anyone youre dating?

If a boy does not want to tell anyone your dating then he is obviously embarred.