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Q: Can apple cider vinegar be added to hot tea?
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What is the history of hot apple cider?

It was originally made in Great britain by a female of the name of Jennifer Ashman in the early 15th century it has since become very popular. However, it tastes very sour compared to cold apple cider and is considered the worst tasting of the duo.

How do you drink apple cider?

It can be imbibed either cold or hot.

Does apple cider vinegar stop hot flashes?

MOST DEFINITELY! Only one capful of apple cider vinegar in a half litre bottle of water on my nightstand has completely stopped the hot flashes & night sweats. Ironically this was an accidental discovery on my part. I began to take it as I read on the net that it would neutralise the acid forming foods I was eating which were contributing to the open pores on my face - see one of the links I read here abot acid forming foods. I immediately put two & two together when I realised that the flashes which I was experiencing 8-10 times a day and the night sweats which were seriously affecting my sleep had disappeared and this morning I googled "apple cider vinegar and hot flashes" only to find that the "news" was already out there.

Which should be served at a harvest party?

most definately especially if you use a large amount within a couldron and let it get nice and hot and serve it with some apple cider doughnuts

Should apple cider be served hot or cold?

hot, it tastes so much better and will warm you through and through.

How to repel bees away from my deck?

In order to repel bees away from the deck, simply make a mixture of half apple cider vinegar and half hot water. Spray this mixture around the area of your deck. Bee's hate the smell of vinegar, therefore, they will not come into your deck area.

What hot beverages have a plant source?

tea coffee chocklete apple cider mmm all of them i think

What drink is most closely associated with Christmas?

Usually, it is eggnog. A lot of people also drink hot apple cider and hot chocolate.

Name a hot non alcoholic beverage that often gets a shot of liquor added to it?

coffee, hot chocolate, cider, eggnog

Can you put apple juice in the microwave?

Yes you can, it is often heated to make mulled cider. Originally a red hot wrought iron poker [a mulling iron] was inserted into the mug to heat the cider. Mulled [hot] cider is often made with a few spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves) and fruit (oranges, cherries, raisins) added to "hard" [fermented] cider, and then heated to near boiling but not boiled. Some recipes today use sweet cider and add rum or bourbon rather than using hard cider.

What colour does black hot tea turn when vinegar is added to it?

the tea lightens

What takes away the smell of alcohol?

take a shower! if that's not an option, spray yourself down with some febreeze. and you can try the ole' penny in your mouth trick or chew some gum and if that doesn't work just avoid whoever it is you are trying to hide the smell from.