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it is not very good for the fish. ive owned many bettas and i do not advice you to feed it anything but betta food.

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13y ago

No, they can't eat adult sized pellets but they can eat pellet and flake adult food if you grind them down to small enough pieces that they can fit into their mouths.

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Q: Can you feed Betta fish regular fish food?
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What do you do for betta fish constipation?

Feed your betta fish cooked & de-shelled peas for 2 days instead of his/her regular food

How do you make a Betta Fish change colors?

Betta fish change color by there environment and the types of food that you feed it. If your Betta fish is loosing color that means that your Betta is sick.

What will happen if you feed a betta fish tropical fish food?

Nothing. I feed mine tropical flakes! P.S. i have a betta named Frodo lol

Can i feed my betta fish goldfish food?

Yes you can feed it to a Betta, but most of it it will not be digestable for a Betta. Bettas are insectivores and need a proper diet made from insects etc. That is why pet shops have special Betta food for sale.

How much do you feed a baby male betta fish?

A pinch of fish food once a day

How much food does Betta need?

I feed my Betta two or three pieces in the morning and three in the evening. However, if you feed your Betta a bloodworm then feed him the bloodworm and nothing else for the rest of the day. But don't feed him bloodworms too often because he will start to refuse the other food you give him.

Can betta fish eat sweet pea?

I think they just can eat fish food. So, i wouldn't feed you betta fish sweet peas. kk

How do betta fish feed?

feed them by simply buying betta food and follow directions on the container. it will probably say to just drop the food particles onto the water and the betta will swim up and eat happily!

Can humans eat Betta fish?

It depends what food the other fish eats. Bettas are carnivorous, so they eat meat. If the betta food is meat (which it most likely is) and the fish you want to feed is a also a freshwater carnivore, then, chances are, you can feed the fish betta food.

Can you feed Betta fish tropical fish food?

They can but it's best they don't because can get a common fish disease.

What do you feed betta fish?

they have a shelf at wal-mart that is like animals and if u go to the begging of the aisle there it is and make sure it says betta fish food

Can you feed a betta fish nothing but brine shrimp?

No, you can feed them food made specifically for them, like 'BettaMin'. That's what I feed mine.