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The cats most likely just enlarged its pupils, if that is not the case then you have a very very unique cat!

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Q: Can black cats have black eyes got one and was wondering how rare it is?
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Do Bengal cats have green eyes?

Most Bengal cats have green eyes but Bengal cats without green eyes are rare. my Bengal cat has green eyes

Are white gerbils with black eyes rare?

Not rare but they are very unique! That's for sure!

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What is likley about blue eyed cats?

Blue eyes come with some white cats, and cats with points like Siamese and Ragdoll. They also sometimes come with the silvering gene, which makes silver tabbies. Blue eyes are rare in cats of other colours. White cats with blue eyes are prone to deafness; not all of them, but many of them.

What is the percentage of how rare a male calico cat is?

There is no official data as to the percentage of black cats in the world. There are millions of black cats in every country.

Can People have black eyes that is not their pupils and that it is not a punch in the eye?

Actually, people can have brown eyes. The people that have black eyes have rare eyes. Not all people know that people have black eyes because they're so rare.If someone told you that black eyes don't exist, do not believe them. remember this and you'll know this.

Can an Egyptian mau breed of cat have blue eyes?

If the black cat has white fur as well, then yes. Solid black cats can have blue eyes, but it is very rare due to the way feline genetics are set up. In order for a black cat to have blue eyes, it must also carry the gene for white fur. A black cat with blue eyes usually has a tiny patch of white somewhere on its body (even just one or two hairs). It is much more common for a solid black cat to have yellow or green eyes.

Is black hair with brown eyes rare?

Yes and no... To have red hair and brown eyes is rare, for redheads tend to have lighter eyes. But curly red hair is pretty common.

Can humans have black eyes?

No humans can not have back eyes . Only blue , brown , and green. Iris atrophy, a rare condition, will leave some people with a lack of irises, which will give the impression of black eyes.

Are male tortieshell cats rare?

Yes. Male tortishell cats are rare

Does a cat have eyes?

Yes, cats do blink their eyes. Unlike humans, though, newly born kittens have their eyes closed shut and they can't open them until after 2 or 3 weeks after they were born.supplementary Cats (and birds and amphibians) also have a nictating membrane which temporarily covers and protects the eye.

Do Siberian cats come in black?

Yes they do, but it is rare for them to be. A true black siberian has to be a pure siberian, and it's coat must be all black fur, no other colors.