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Bleeding in the early stages is very common in fact a high percent of woman will bleed with no effect to there unborn child.

However any sights of blood while pregnant should be reported to your Doctor or midwife immediately and if you experience pain you should call 911

Information from my partner who has had 4 children and experienced bleeding while pregnant also from experienced midwifes

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Q: Can bleeding at the beginning of a pregnancy be a danger?
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Can you have heavy bleeding at the beginning of your pergnacy?

Many people do experience "spotting" at the beginning of their pregnancy. However, although it is common, it is not a "normal" sign of a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, I would consult your GYN.

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Yes. Light bleeding is normal. When the embryo embeds itself into your uterine wall it may cause spotty or light bleeding. 90% of women have this happen in the beginning stages of pregnancy.

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Bleeding for 3-4 weeks, lactate, fertile with pregnancy symptoms and positive pregnancy test until the hormones have settled, cramping etc. In the related question below you can read more about what can happen after an abortion, physically and emotionally.

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As when you are a few weeks, or even may start at the beginning, you will have nasty pains in your left/right ovary, also bleeding is a common sign, and a faiding pregnancy test.

Can there be bleeding and pregnancy?

Yes there can

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What could be wrong if you are bleeding in the first four weeks of pregnancy like the beginning of a period?

Occasionally, women have light bleeding called spotting while they are pregnant. This may be quite normal. However, it may also be a symptom of something more serious. Any bleeding during pregnancy should be brought to the attention of your doctor as soon as possible.

Do you have your period at the beginning of your pregnancy or does it just stop?

My periods always just stopped & I had no bleeding in any of my 3 pregnancy's, but I do know you can have some light bleeding from the implantation of the egg. It is not like a period though but most women confuse this bleeding with their periods. It should not last more than 3 days. Some women do have a period in the beginning of pregnancy, although it is not common and it would be light. Some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. They usually also experience implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall

Can a pregnancy test show positive while experiencing vaginal bleeding bleeding?

Any pregnancy bleeding is scary, even though about a quarter of pregnant women experience some bleeding. Pregnancy bleeding is sometimes just spotting. Pregnancy spotting is not heavy bleeding and should not soak through a maxi pad. Spotting is a very light flow as if in the last or first days of normal period cycle. In addition, it should only occur during the first trimester of your pregnancy. There should be no bleeding in the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. Pregnancy bleeding can be more serious and can signify a serious problem. Bleeding may be a sign of early or preterm labor. It can also be a symptom of an infection in the cervix. It is important to call your health care provider right away any time you have pregnancy bleeding, and tell them how much you are bleeding, for how long, and what the blood looks like.

Is bleeding during very early pregnancy normal?

Bleeding during pregnancy is not "normal" but some light spotting is reported by about 50% of women in early pregnancy.

Is there any other cause of bleeding during pregnancy than miscarriage?

Yes implantation bleeding however any bleeding during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.