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Cataract surgery and it's expensive so at least get one eye done. Dogs get cataracts just like people do. Border Collies can be prone to this disease. I live in Canada and friends of ours (live in Canada) have a Border Collie and had cataracts on both eyes. They could only afford to get one eye done and it was almost $3,000. You can speak with your vet and see if there is any way you can pay for a medical plan for your cat and then get the surgery done which will be a lot less. At least give the dog the sight of one eye.

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Q: Can cataracts be removed from dogs eyes?
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there are specialist who can repair a dogs eyes, alot of dogs have cataracts removed now and get sight back

Can dogs see from their eyes?

Of course they can! They see out their eyes unless they have a lot of fur and it gets in front of their eyes. A condition that may cause them not to see out of their eyes is called cataracts.

Why do jack Russell's need to have their eyes removed?

Generally they don't, but if they do it is normally due to cataracts or some other disease in the eye which causes them pain. therefore you could have the dog humanely put down or have the eyes removed. Some people think its cruel to have the eyes removed but i know a Jack Russell that has had its eyes removed, and other than the occasional bumping into things, it has a perfectly normal and healthy life.

What is the cause of the blindiness of the dogs?

Cataracts especially in older dogs and dogs with diabetes

How serious are cataracts in dogs?

Very Serious, Cataracts can easily cause blindness or death if your pet has cataracts bring him straight to the vet

What surgery is recommended when both eyes are affected by cataracts?

If cataracts are present in both eyes, only one eye at a time should be operated on.

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Has anyone had success with Ethos eye-drops for dogs with cataracts?

Yes Bright eyes drops from ethosheaven for pets are great....they gave my dog his life back

Cataracts that form in both eyes due to aging progress at what rate?

Cataracts associated with aging (senile or age-related cataracts) most often occur in both eyes, with each cataract progressing at a different rate.

My dog's eyes have filmy white stuff what should i do for him?

take your dog to the vet to get him checked out -------------------------------------------------------- If you dog is old it probably has cataracts but if you are worried about your dogs eyes you should take it to see a qualified animal doctor (a vet).

Do poodles get cataracts?

Many people think that as dogs age, they naturally develop cataracts, but this isn't true. Dogs get what is called "old dog eyes." The medical term is nuclear sclerosis and does not affect the eyesight terribly; dogs see as if looking through a pair of dirty glasses. With true cataracts, vision is greatly affected. It can strike at any age but it is not a common condition. Cataracts are typically inherited or can be a sign of another disease such as diabetes.Instructions1Observe your dog to see if she is running into things or suddenly does not want to climb stairs or jump on things she normally had in the past--this can mean she is having trouble seeing. She also may begin squinting her eyes, which can also be a sign she is struggling to see.2Inspect your dog's eyes in bright lighting such as a florescent or in midday light. If you notice a bluish, white or gray color, it could be cataracts, particularly in a younger dog. Redness or inflammation in the eyes can also be a sign of cataracts.3Take your dog to your veterinarian if you notice any signs of cataracts. Unfortunately, there is no cure to completely restore the lost vision. Your vet can remove the cataracts, but vision will still be impaired. Your dog can live a full life even with impaired vision, just as people do. The key is to keep things in his environment the same as much as possible; moving furniture can cause a lot of unneeded stress. When you move furniture or you introduce new pieces, lead your dog to it so he can adjust to where it is located.hope this helped if did give trust point

Will spinach bind you?

No, if it comes in contact with your eyes it will give you cataracts.