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chown user:group && chmod 777

the bold nuumber is the one you want to concern yourself with

let me explain; The 3 numbers represent, from left to right, your permissions, your group's permissions, and everybody else. The number themselves indicate the restrictiveness of the permissions, from 7 (do what you want) to 0 (as MC hammer might put it, you can't touch this). The above example changes the permissions so everyone can do what they will to the file

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Q: Can change group ownership and group permissions with one command in Linux?
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In Linux the chmod command is used to set file permissions.

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The chmod command. For it's usage, consult it's manual page with the... $ man chmod command....

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There is generally only 1 standard command for permissions on a file or directory - chmod. You can affect permissions by other commands such as changing the ownership or group ownership of a file or directory. Other commands may be specific to different versions of Unix and Linux, so are not listed here.

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Type the following command# ls -l

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You might not have permission to delete files. On a Linux server, it could be either: 1. You are not listed as the "owner" of the FTP file -- then you'd need to "chown" or change ownership 2. That you don't have the permissions to delete -- then you'd need to "chmod" the file if possible

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The typical way to view file permissions is to use the 'ls' command with the long listing options enabled, For example, to see the file permissions for everything in the current directory, type: ls -lsa

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