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Yes. Be careful if they are fertilized and a chicken has lain upon it for an extended period of time.

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Q: Can chicken eggs be eaten when rooster is present?
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Can a chicken produce a chick without a rooster?

No. A chicken can produce eggs without a rooster but she can not produce a chick without her eggs being fertilized by a rooster.

Can you have eggs without a rooster?

A chicken can, yes.

How do you get non-fertile chicken eggs from the chicken?

To get non-fertile eggs you need to keep the hen and rooster separated, or get rid of your rooster all together.

What type of chicken do the males lay eggs?

No rooster can lay eggs.

Do you need a hen for a chicken to lay eggs?

Hens are chickens.Hens are female chickens and lay eggs.Roosters are male chickens and do not lay eggs.So your answer is YES, you need a hen to lay eggs.

Can all eggs that a chicken lays develop into a chick?

NO. Unless the chicken has mated with a rooster, she will lay non viable eggs. An egg will be produced by the chicken even when no rooster is available. Eggs that come from a grocery store are not fertile and therefore can never produce a chick.

What is the differences between mature male and female chicken?

A female has a little bit of feathers on its head and a male doesn't. Also, a rooster (male chicken) crows; a chicken clucks, and a rooster fertilizes eggs, whereas a chicken or hen (female chicken) lays eggs.

Can you still have healthy chicken eggs without a rooster?

No. The egg won't be fertilized and it will be a yolk. But then again, if you want scrambled eggs, then i guess you can have it without the rooster.

Do you have to breed a chicken for it to lay eggs?

No, hens will lay wether they be with a rooster or not

Do hen lays unfertilized eggs?

Most chicken eggs produced for consumption are unfertilized. Eggs found in the grocery stores are typically produced by chickens that never come in contact with a rooster.In backyard flocks, however, there is usually a rooster present with the hens and he ensures that the eggs are fertilized by mating the hens regularly. Eggs from hens who have been mated in the past week are fertilized chicken eggs. They can be eaten or incubated and hatched into chicks.Yes, hens can and do lay unfertilized eggs. In fact, most grocery store eggs come from hens that have not been mated by a rooster and therefore are unfertilized.Yes, a hen that has not mated with a rooster in the past ten days will lay only unfertilized eggs. A hen that has never been with a rooster will only lay unfertilized eggs.A rooster must mate a hen for her to lay eggs, and after she is first mated it will still take about a week for her eggs to be fertilized, as it takes about that long for the rooster's sperm to travel to the hen's ovaries where her eggs are fertilized before the shell covers them and before they are laid.

Does a chicken egg have to be fertilized by a male chicken to make a chick?

They lay eggs daily, but if you want chicks you have to have a male to fertilize the eggs.

Is a chicken asexual or sexual?

They are sexual since a rooster is needed to fertilize the eggs.