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Q: Can chickens eat mountain ash berries?
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Why do birds only eat mountain ash berries at certain times?

They eat the berries in the fall when they are ripe. Not all birds eat these berries, so can also depend on fall migration.

Can chickens eat madrone berries?

Yes The berries of the madrone (arbutus) while not very flavorful to humans are perfectly edible and can be consumed by chickens.

Can chickens eat mistletoe berries?

Probably not. Mistletoe's are poisonous.

Do birds eat blueberries?

NO, what are you on..? chickens can't eat strawberries.

What do birds like better berries or corn?

Berries are birds main diet only turkeys and chickens mainly eat seed and corn {11}

What kinds of food did Maryland colonists eat?

The kind of food that Maryland colonists would eat was meat from livestock and chickens. They would also have rice, pudding, and berries that they would gather.

Do gray wolves eat berries?

yes so there it is a omnivore,if it eats berries or other things that grow on plants and eat meat wolves are omnivores!

Are holly berries poisonous to chickens?

Most people know that the holly plant is extremely poisonous to dogs. What many cat owners don't know is that holly berries are also poisonous to cats and should be kept out of their reach.

What do northwest Indians eat?

Elk,nuts,berries,raccoons,deer,bears, squirrles,mountain sheep.

What animal eats the ash tree?

rocky mountain elk

Do gray wolves eat veggies?

Wolves supplement their meat diet with fruit and vegetable matter. They willingly eat the berries of mountain ash, lily of the valley, bilberries, blueberries and cowberry. Other fruits include nightshade, apples and pears. They readily visit melon fields during the summer months.

What plants live around wolves?

Wolves really are considered a carnivore, but, truthfully, not always. In spring, when there are berries around, if the wolves are having difficulties scouting prey they will snack on berries, but nothing else to my knowledge. What berries do they eat? Woves will eat rasberries, blue berries, black berries and evan strawberries. There are a few other wild berries that they will eat as well, but not the poisonous ones. How can a wolf tell if a berry is safe to eat? Thats easy. By sense of smell. A wolf will simply sniff the new berry type, it also must rely on its instinct and senses. If the wolf smells or senses danger it will of course, leave the berry. But if the berry is fine and the wolf recieves no danger warning, it will eat it. The wolf will also remember the smell of the berry and automatically next time know the berry is safe to eat. Wolves are my favourite animal and I have learned much about these wonderful creatures.